My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I love Google

I use Google on a daily basis. I think anyone who uses a computer has discovered the magic of Google.  I've found it especially helpful dealing with health issues.  For the last few days I've been limping and moaning with the sciatica pain that shows up every now and again. I'm getting down on the floor today (not an easy feat) and will work on some stretching exercises that I think have helped in the past.

I've been sitting here at my computer for the last hour working on a NY Times crossword puzzle I'm determined to solve.   I could look up the answers, I suppose, but using Google I'm forced to study a little harder.  I just noticed my tinnitis kicked in and my ears are a buzzing to beat the band.  I haven't been bothered as much lately and my first thought was.....OK...what's different?  What have I done in the past hour that might have caused this ear ringing to commence?   It was like a lightbulb coming on.

 I went to Google and typed in:  "Can tinnitis be aggravated by taking iboprofen?" There was quite a bit of feedback to that question.   I learned that a small percentage of people can have tinnitis start by taking even a low dose. I wonder...... Needless to say, I'm staying off that pill for a while to see what happens.  What's discouraging, however, is that iboprofen seemed to work better for my pain than tylenol.  We'll see.....

Since the sciatica and the metatarsalgia ailment were causing me a lot of grief, I pretty much took it easy all day Saturday.  Even sat on the back porch and soaked up sun.  I must admit it did feel good to let that heat beat down on my body.

I started sorting and filing photographs on my computer.  Probably spent over an hour  on that and will begin again today.  I pulled out my material bins thinking I wanted to start another sewing project but the house got hotter as the day progressed and my energy level dipped.  For whatever reason (probably because of my OCD) I then got it in my my head that I just HAD to rearrange the living room.  I was ready to collapse after that but I got corners vacuumed and the room picked up and tidy.

I pulled a large box of music cassettes out of the back closet this morning and am playing them in my tape deck as I sit here now.  Makes me get up and move more frequently than I would otherwise. Not to mention I'm getting to listen to a lot of music I never hear anymore.  Good stuff too.  I'm still thinking about looking around for one of those machines that turns your cassette music into CDs.

One thing my grandkids and I enjoy together is music.  I'm always amazed at how both of them love and know the words to music that was popular in their folks or even grandparent's time. I'm discovering all kinds of artists I never gave much attention to during my "very long country only" period of life.  This one, for example, came on the radio while we were in the car. Hunter knew who it was but I didn't.  I liked it enough to order it on Itunes.  David Bowie's 'Jean Genie' from 1967.

Speaking of Hunter in the car....last week as Hunter sat in the back seat, he was arguing with his sister about something or another and his voice transported me back to the 1950's when I used to watch Ricky Nelson on The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.  Ricky's voice as a youngster was unique and very cute.  Hunter sounded EXACTLY like him and it made me chuckle.  I said:  "'s like I've got Ricky Nelson in my car!"

I've noticed an ever so slight change in Hunter's voice but I guess that's to be expected as he goes into puberty.  He'll be disgusted with me for even talking about this but I told him my grandkids are always gonna be part of my blog.

Had an interesting Friday night around here. I was just dropping off to sleep and heard voices that I felt were awfully close to my window. I peeked out the window and saw half a dozen teens enter the gate of the deserted house next door and head for the backporch.  I got up and went outside and saw them close the curtains on the second floor and turn out the lights.

I'd seen the teenage daughter of the woman who used to live there at the house earlier in the day and my first thought was she was probably having a party.  If the boys had kept their mouths shut until they got inside, I'd never had known they were there.  And if they had kept the lights on, I would have assumed the daughter had permission to entertain there.  Once the lights went out, however, I figured monkey business was in process so I called the cops.

Apparently, none had permission to enter as several cop cars arrived and kids were being interviewed in separate corners of the backyard for the next hour.  I know this because I had to peek out the window the whole time afraid I was going to miss something.  ha ha

Just looked over the tv lineup for Sunday and as usual, next to nothing to get excited about. I did put in a tape to record Breaking Bad at 10 pm tonight but the last two or three episodes of this new season haven't amounted to much. They'd better get their act together soon or I'm going to add them to my list of "not bothering anymore."  That'll show 'em!

Happy Birthday yesterday to my cousin, Marlee Morin, in Gig Harbor....

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