My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just me and the dog today & tomorrow

The twins are visiting the other grandparents today so Sammy and I are hanging out.  I spot-cleaned the carpet early as I knew I would find excuses to get out of it if I put it off.  Now I have to wait for the many spots to dry so I can vacuum and see if it made a difference.  I also finished the ironing because I didn't want it on my list.  I only had three pieces and I made things easy by sprinkling them with water and putting them in the fridge for a couple of hours.

I returned a sack of books to the library and filled my bag up for the return trip. I do love having new books by my bed.  I picked up three movies on VHS, F is for Fugitive by Sue Grafton (on audio tape) and four books--No Laughing Matter by Joseph Heller, The Hiding Place by Trezza Azzopardi, One Drop by Bliss Broyard, and The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens.

I was thinking of picking up Roots (on video) and watching it again but that first episode is so distressing I just hate to watch it.  A lot of movies I won't watch because I can't wait for the bad guy to get his in the end.  There's a movie on AMC right now that is playing in the background that I may have to turn off for that reason.  It's got good actors in it and they're doing a terrific job but the bad guys are so bad, I can hardly stand the killing. (The Texas Rangers, 2001 flick) The worst villain is a detective I've seen on Law & Order. Stars include Randy Travis, Dylan McDermitt, and Ashton Kutcher.

When I left the library I decided spur of the moment to turn right instead of going left. I wanted a Subway for lunch.  I planned on getting a $5 foot long with a lot of veggies on it.  The guy in front of me ordered a chicken sandwich and it looked so good, I said "I'll take what he ordered" when I got to the front of the line. Unfortunately, I discovered too late that it was a $7.50 sandwich.  Oh well, I'm saving half for tomorrow's lunch.

I finally pulled out the sprinkler yesterday so I can start watering the front lawn 20 minutes twice a day.  It's turned so brown and yellow out there, it crackles when you walk on it. I thought I'd see if I can't get a little green to appear--even if it is mostly weedy looking.  I also added more dirt to my "special strip" in the back and it gets a good watering twice a day as well.  One way or another, I'm gonna get some grass growing around here.

I think yesterday was the first time that Sammy didn't put on  a show of affection when Jenni arrived to pick him up.  Usually, it's a spectacle to watch as he licks her face and wags his tail, and generally has a happy fit.  I had just sat down to supper and gave him some of my fried chicken skin.  He gets table scraps seldom and he gobbled it down fast.  And then sat there begging. When Jenni showed up, he ran to her and after getting petted, ran back to my table, stood on two legs (and stayed standing on two legs) while he eyed my plate begging for more. And he wasn't about to leave!  She finally had to pick him up and take him to the car.  We all laughed.

Well, I guess I'm gonna spend the rest of my day relaxing in the recliner reading and watching videos.  Oh woe is me.  Nothing to do except fun stuff.  (:-)

Here's a video of Paul Anka singing one of my favorite songs that he does---Papa.  This particular video isn't the best quality but you can still see what a great performer he is.  I taped a show that PBS presented of Paul on stage in Vegas and I play it every now and again.  He has the audience in the palm of his hand.

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