My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, August 8, 2011

Where'd that sun go anyway?!

Foggy, misty, and overcast this a.m. but I suppose it will burn off this afternoon.  I don't mind, really.  Too hot makes me irritable. Or should I say, more irritable than usual.  Ha!

Sitting here with my second cup of coffee browsing websites. Sent a picture to the Today Show of my toilet collection so now I'll have to watch daily to see if it shows up.  Also posted a couple pictures on somebody's page on Facebook.  And before I forget (I was too tired to post yesterday) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO COUSIN CINDY in Gig Harbor. Here she is with her husband, Jeff.

Yesterday I did several odd jobs around the house.  Little stuff mostly but I got quite a bit accomplished. Today I plan to wash the car and spot clean the carpets.  I have to take the twins to the doctor in an hour. Maddie gets a physical and Hunter will have his arm looked at. Jenni will meet me there.

The four of us went to the movies yesterday at 5. Saw 'The Rising of the Planet of the Apes.'  I liked it.  Maybe a tad cornbally in parts but I enjoyed the special effects.  Stories about apes have always interested me and at least at this flick, I wasn't anxious for it to be over so I could get up and get out of there.  Which is usually what happens when I have to sit in a theatre for two hours. As it was, I could hardly walk after I stood up.  A little embarrassing but I always look around at the other old folks in the theatre to see if they're having problems moving too.  They always are and it's comforting.

After leaving the theatre, we made a quick Walmart stop.  As usual, I was irritated with the service. Not enough checkers and no one on the floor to help you locate items.  I did see one guy and when I asked him where the plastic bags were, he pointed in a general direction. At least Safeway will TAKE YOU AND WALK WITH YOU without even being asked.  And I HATE it when they cram products in the middle of the aisle so you can't get through with their large bulky carts.  Walmart is becoming a place I will frequent as little as possible.

I needed a garden hose.  I've been battling with two and patching them with duct tape but it was getting to the point where I was getting a shower everytime I tried to use them.  I hate to throw away one of the hoses as the hose itself is in good shape and sturdy.  It's the metal part at the end that is corroded and you can't attach a spout to it. What can you do with a hose otherwise? Must be something.  I'll google it.

I cleaned out my music library online yesterday afternoon.  Probably deleted over two hundred songs.  A lot of the stuff was just in there because I made CDs out of them or transferred records onto CDs for other people. Also had a lot of music I never ever listen to and I wanted to free up some space on my hard drive.

I really need to get going on my picture sorting project.  My picture collections get away from me so easily because I'm always snapping photos.  Like these, for example.  Here's a progression of my grass planting strip in the back yard.

I keep looking at those blank circle spots and wonder if I should toss more seed and dirt out there. Anyone know?  I did sprinkle some more seed but not dirt.  I wonder if it will grow in. I'm thinking no.

Well, I guess I'll go post on my Leader blog now. Want to remind people to come to the fair this weekend. I always look forward to our county fair. I'll be in the high school alumni booth on Friday at noon time. Come and look through the dozens and dozens of pictures I'm giving away.

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