My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kids with Guns, JP Patches, and a new Blog

Every once in a while I'll enter the KOMO Channel 4 news trivia contest to see if I can get it right. I don't think I have yet. While on my way to their link, I saw this story about JP Patches retiring for good.  For those not from around here, he was Seattle's biggest celebrity for several years. He had a kids' show from 1958-1981 (my kids all watched him) and my oldest went to get an autograph last year when he was appearing somewhere.  I have a couple photographs of him and Gertrude with Mary and Sue when they were little.  Surprised me to see how he looks in real life now. Interesting video....

Oh man, it smells good in here right now.  I came across a yeast package that expired in Jul '10 but I just had to see if it was still good so I made up some homemade cinnamon rolls. They look just fine to me and I can hardly wait to dig in.
Mary Norton and I have decided to take in the Clallam County Fair tomorrow morning. I'm hoping if I use a walking stick, I can get around a little better than I did at the Jefferson County Fair.  I've tried various shoes, pads, and inserts to see if I can't land on something comfy. I think I've got it beat and then it flares up again. I even got out my old "boot" but that was so NOT fun, I threw it back out in the garage.

Before the kids came home from visiting their aunt and uncle, they made a Toys R Us stop. Hunter picked up this soft dart gun and him and Maddie spent the better part of the afternoon shooting at targets and each other.  At one point, Maddie took a break to get back on the computer so Hunter decided to shoot a dart up into my very tall skylight. 

Uh oh.....I hear.  He's determined to retrieve his dart, however, so he goes to get another gun that shoots a different kind of dart.  These don't stick.  Here he is loading up, aiming, and then climbing up on my step stool with the patio umbrella when the gun wouldn't work.

Maddie's been wanting to use my new Spiffer mop ever since I bought it at the neighbor's yard sale.  We picked up the replacement pads and today she got her wish. She thought it was "cool."

My cousin, Marlee, who lives in Gig Harbor, sent me some photos she took while walking across the Narrows Bridge with friends.


My brother who has GENETIC LINK BICYCLES in Port Hadlock has a couple of ads running in the Port Townsend Leader this week.  Look in the classifieds  under For Sale.  I think a picture is also shown in the ONLINE edition.

Everytime I go into his shop, my eyes are drawn to this pretty pink bike.  If I didn't already have my fold-up, I'd consider getting this beauty.  I love it!

And speaking of the Leader, I signed up for a new blog today. I've been running low on topics for my "Be True to your School" blog and thought I'd go in a different direction.  I wrote over 55,000 words for the school blog and may try to edit it down for a book.  My new blog, which I'll post as soon as I get this picture I requested, will be called 'TOWN KID'.

I'll have an endless supply of material to play around with as I write about living in Port Townsend from the late 20's to today.  My grandfather moved his family here in 1928 so my dad attended the same high school I did and I retired from the same factory him and my grandpa did.  Since most of his siblings stayed in Port Townsend as well, I played with all my cousins growing up.  Something kids today don't always have the pleasure of.

The Leader ran columns now and then called "You know you're a local if...." and those were really fun to read.  My posts will probably refer to my own family data for the most part. I've been trying to write a family history but it's slow going at times. I've only written a little over 1200 words and I edit it every morning.  Sometimes just sitting down to rattle off a few lines on the computer helps jog your memory bank and memories float to the surface that you had forgotten.  Maddie took a picture of me this morning while I was busy "at work."

Well, off to the living room.  Those cinnamon rolls are calling my name. I got a movie from Netflix to stick in the DVD player too.  Good times.

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