My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Laying Low

Got my stitches out this morning and he says I don't have an infection or dry socket but that some people take longer to heal and I happen to be one of them.  I can live with that. Have to admit I have had shorter periods of discomfort today.  Course I been keepin' myself medicated too.

Spent the afternoon working guessed it...genealogy.  Posted a few pictures on my family tree and filled in various details like who married who, when, and where.  Always interesting to see the variety of names that end up being on your tree.  Some day I'll have to compile a least of the oddest sounding names.

Only pictures I have are the quail that walked across my deck and looked in my window again.

I had to laugh this afternoon when I picked up the twins after track.  We got on the subject of how old I was.  Maddie says:
"You're 69!"  tee hee    Hunter laughs.  "Yeah 69!"  har dee har har

Maddie tells me a story about their teacher saying 69 in regards to whatever subject they were on at the time.  The class giggled.  The teacher looks at them and says:  "Oh, grow up!"  And then she laughs.  Things have really changed since I was in junior high.  Or not.

Well, I got nothin!  As usual.  Guess I'll pay some bills online. That's always good for laughs. And then I'm gonna get my jammies on and settle into my recliner for a fun-filled night of nothing special.
I bought some flower seeds a couple days ago so maybe I'll get them planted tomorrow. And it wouldn't kill me to wash the car too. Let's hope the month gets more interesting as we go along.

Here's Bruno....I like him!

 And Paul Simon....

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