My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Will Be Patient--Someday...

Most of the time I'm pretty patient.  My kids are probably rolling on the floor laughing right now. Okay. Most of the time, I'm not all that patient. Things that get my goat---

Candy bars that cost a dollar or more and used to be a nickel, too many TV commercials or stupid programs and cable companies soaking us year after year forcing us to subscribe to a bunch of shows we'll never watch and accepting "their package programming",  celebrities who get way too much attention (and on the NEWS no less!), drivers who forget their manners behind the wheel, my lame vacuum cleaner that sucks yet doesn't suck and the cord always gets wound up and the filter needs cleaning if you pick up even a small amount of dirt, the hoops you have to jump through to make a medical appt (forget even talking to a doctor!), body parts that remind me everyday that I'm aging and overweight, sewing projects that remind me that I'm never going to be that good at sewing (even though I've played around with it since I was TEN!), my willpower that completely fades into the sunset whenever I think about sweets or carbs, my handwriting that looks like I have a heart condition but actually indicates I'm unstable, and prices that continue to climb at the gas pumps, the grocery store, the utility company, and medical insurance companies.  I could go on but you get the general idea.

Okay...on to nicer subjects. 

I walked over to get Sammy and as usual, he was very excited to see me.  I keep thinking I should get a little dog of my own just so he'll have company here. I don't really play with him much as I'm busy at the computer or sewing machine or doing my own thing.  He was soooo excited when my sister came with her dog, Newman.  I'm thinking it over.  I do this all the time. I keep telling myself I want a pet and then I think about the responsibility and the cost and the inconvenience of having a pet and I talk myself out of it.  Ideally, Jenni would get a second dog for her dog and I could watch them both and then have them both go home at night.  She's resisting my suggestion, however. 

I know why I'm kinda crabby this morning. My foot hurts.  Yesterday it was halfway okay and I hoped things were improving.  I'm probably going to have to visit the podiatrist again and see what else can be done.  It's plagued me since July but I think I'll give it until January before I pursue further treatment.  Sometimes if you just wait, things fix themselves.  I know that's not always the case.  I'm due for a colonoscopy this year and I told myself I would make the appt before 2012 arrived.  I haven't done it yet. If I got it over with, I'd probably be much happier but....who wants to be happy?  Hee Hee

My cousin, Marlee Morin, shares pictures with me that she takes on her walks in Gig Harbor. They're so pretty. Here's two of them and then some that I took around the neighborhood.

 My pretty little tree I brought from my yard in Sequim. It's colorful in the fall.
 An impulse buy at Walmart a few weeks ago. I like seeing them on my back porch.
 Trees changing color as seen from my living room window
A deer watched me as I walked through the woods this morning to pick up Sammy.

I got a book and CD in the mail yesterday and started reading it last night in bed. 
It's by Gail Davies who used to live in Port Townsend. I skipped ahead a little to read her PT memories but she was only there for a year and it didn't sound like it was a great year in her life.  The book is well written, though, and I'll enjoy reading it, I'm sure. She signed it for me and signed another ad insert telling me to say hi to my brother. (I ordered it from her website)

I worked on a sewing project yesterday afternoon and was taking my time with it as I wanted to use it as a gift.  Seems like even the simplest of my projects are hard for me.  I had to rip seams out two or three times.

I found a few counted cross stitch designs at Goodwill that were already completed. They were done especially well so I bought them to stitch material strips around to make wall hangings or table tops or runners.  I cut  several shades of blue, sewed them together, sewed a backing on, turned it right side out and inserted a thin layer of batting.  Then I sewed up the bottom.  It looked "okay" but I thought it might look better if I sewed along the seams to give it a quilted look.  Big mistake. 

I used a long stitch and took my time but as usually happens, my stitches got smaller and smaller and my material puckered and by the time I was done, I had a real piece of junk.  The stitches were too small to try and pull out everything so I just said the hell with it!  The left hand bottom section is especially awful.  I only  had a little bit of the outside blue so I wanted to hem the thing first and then quilt stitch it. I thought it would be okay since it was a small piece but alas, I probably should have tried sewing in the ditch first and then went back to hem.

I don't know how my little masterpieces can look so dreadful when I try so hard and go so slow to be accurate.  This is why I spend more time writing than sewing.  I've been struggling with trying to come up with a story line so I can write "my book."  Once I get started, it will give me a reason to jump out of bed each morning in anticipation.

And in's Sammy....

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