My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Still sewing

I spent time sewing yesterday.  Well, sorta.  Seemed like I spent more time pondering how to sew.  I've wanted to do this tulip garden pattern for years and while it's not all that difficult, I was still having "story problem" issues figuring out how to use transfer paper and such.  That part of my brain just doesn't function the way I want it to.

I was easily distracted as I sorted through my material bins, looked for other supplies, stopped to do this and that, etc.  Once I set my mind to it, though, I started to make some headway.  It's progressing but as usual, I'm not all that thrilled with my handiwork.  This is par for the course, though; I never seem to like my artistic attempts at sewing or crafts.

I was the same way in school when we had art projects.  I would look at other people's work and think theirs was much better.  You'd think at this age that I would get over that. I am altering the border to suit myself and I realize my finished product isn't going to look exactly like the picture but I still seem to doubt my inner interpretation.  I'm working on that.  I think I'm trying to make it too perfect and I'm defeating myself in the process.

I ran two errands yesterday. One to the library to submit my 'Walkin' on Water' book and I think I'll try to contribute it to the Jeff. Co. library next time I'm in town.  I've had two extra copies sitting in the closet and decided I needed to do something with them.

I also went to Safeway and loaded up my cart.  The kids were complaining that I didn't have any good stuff to eat (they were right).  They were thrilled to open the fridge and freezer when they got home.  I tried one new item--Tyson's Any'tizers. They were on sale and man, are they yummy! They're basically little triangles of quesadillas. A couple packets of salsa were included but I used my own jar in the fridge for dipping.

Ingredient list says tortilla pockets filled with fajita chicken & monterey jack cheese.  I need to figure out how to make these on my own and store in the freezer. Shouldn't be that hard if I can figure out exactly what mixture to make the stuffing with.  I'm thinking grated or chopped fine chicken, grated cheese, and maybe?  Actually, perhaps that's all I need to make them.  I wonder how I get the tortillas to stick together and make a pocket?  I'll search for that online.

I started work on my next Leader blog last night. Am just about done with it except I'm waiting for one more person tor reply and another to send a photo I hope to use.  It's going on 8 a.m. so I think I'll finish up this cup of coffee, scan the websites I usually visit, and walk over to Jenni's and get Sammy.

I have to pick up the kids at school at 9:30 so Jenni can meet me at the doctor's office. They're both getting booster shots and Hunter's arm needs to be checked again.

Next trivia batch:

Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density

The University of Alaska spans four time zones

The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself.

The news was certainly varied and interesting this morning.  Terrorist case in Texas, republicans fighting among themselves, police going back into Baby Lisa's home with a warrant, and deranged wild animal keeper letting his charges loose and then shooting himself. The world is full of crazies, that's for sure.

And please!  Won't some judge step up to the bar and jail that snot, Lindsey Lohan, who thinks she's special? ! I'm sick of it.

Okay. Off I go to check my mega numbers and see if my life is suddenly going to be able to afford extended cable and a flatscreen tv.  ha ha

I love Tracy Nelson's voice

1 comment:

  1. The best advice I ever had abut working on projects: "Don't over-think it."
