My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Sorting

I bet I slept close to 10 or more hours last night.  Not straight through;  I never get to sleep straight through anymore. And I miss it. My plan for the day was to sew.  It's 3 pm and I haven't started yet. I certainly didn't expect to spend the day the way I ended up spending it but sometimes you just have to go with the flow. 

It was that kind of day where one thing led to another. I started by hunting (again!) for two little rubber suction cups that I had somewhere.  I wanted to hang a couple of sun catchers on the window but after looking everywhere, I gave up in disgust.  Meanwhile, I decided my two junk boxes in the garage were "unhandy" and that's when things got crazy.

I cleaned out the pantry to make room on the bottom floor for a box to put all my pan lids in. After moving them from the bottom drawer of the range, I cleaned it out, lined it with an old towel and decided that was now my place for dishtowels, pot holders, dish cloths, aprons, etc.
The drawer where they originally were became my "new junk drawer" with only the items in it that I use or look for frequently.  Stuff like rubber bands, pencils, matches, tapes, glues, etc.

You get the idea.  I kept sorting, tossing out, cleaning, rearranging in one room after another.
I cleaned out the vacuum because it wasn't sucking right and ran a quick sweep through the house. Cleaned mud off my tennis shoes outside with a wire brush and the hose. Cleaned the windshield on the car. Cleaned out other "junk boxes and shelves" here and there, took out the trash, washed dishes, ran a load of laundry, rearranged a few plants and knickknacks, put new music on my Ipod, put new CDs in the car, took a blackberry pie over to Jenni's, cleaned out my sewing drawers, and filled up the car with gas.

While I didn't get any sewing done, I feel miles ahead of the game with the time I took to put nooks and corners in order.  Plus I found the two suction cups I wanted. They were in the very first place I looked (and didn't see them).  I also found a screwdriver bit for my electric drill that I had lost, some shiny Olympic Peninsula quarters, my favorite pencil,and a universal remote.

I also came to the realizaton that I deserve to be poor.  When I went to the podiatrist in August about my foot pain that I'd had for weeks, he told me to buy Brooks tennis shoes and not wear the Penney's Easy Spirit (that I had bought not that long ago.)  I went down to the shoe store and spent over a hundred dollars on the shoe he recommended.  Today as I was cleaning my tennis shoes from the yard work I did yesterday (they were my "work tennis shoes" but were still kinda newish) I looked at the label and realized they were Brooks!  Groan........

I had bought new shoes but already had that brand in my closet.  I'm so absent minded sometimes.  I still don't recall buying them but knowing me, I just bought something that felt okay on my foot and headed out the door.  I do that a lot.  I really need to pay more attention.

Well, I know this is one of my more boring blog posts but I needed to sit down and rest so I used this as an excuse.

Here's a video I found of Gail Davies.  Mary and I visited her while we were in Nashville. She used to live in my neighborhood when I was a teenager.  Her and her brothers performed at the county fair in a talent contest.  I was always surprised that they didn't win.    But the two guys that did win were good too--George Cadero and Don Waters playing guitars.

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