My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hummers in Winter

And by hummers, I don't mean boxy truck-like vehicles.  Hummingbirds. I'm still amazed at the four I have zooming and buzzing around my front window.  I went to Google and discovered they're called Annas. They had tips on how to keep their feeders from freezing up. I've been going out there and pouring warm water over the two feeders I have hung as you can tell they're obviously frozen. That's an icicle hanging down.

Google suggested you bring in one feeder at night and set it out early alternating back and forth so they always have food they can get at. They also suggested more than one feeder so they don't fight over it. I wonder if that's what they've been doing. Lots of zooming going on but I thought they were flirting. One picture on the website I looked at showed the way a woman kept her feeders from freezing up overnight. I thought it was very clever and since I love seeing lights at night, I might try it out too.
I just made up a fresh pan of sugar water and will probably pour it into their feeders in the morning. I found a third feeder in the garage so I just hung it out a few minutes ago. Fascinates me how quickly they found it.

It sure never warmed up around here today. I had my longjohns on with a t-shirt (a delightful sight, by the way) but I was still plenty cold so I put on sweatpants and sweatshirt as well.  I worked on my jigsaw puzzle most of the morning as I wanted to finish listening to this audio book I had finally gotten interested in.  Terrible ending. Irritates me when that happens.

I've finished watching all the things I had taped (except a couple of old Loretta Young movies) so now I'm back to sports. I have golf on frequently and tomorrow morning, of course, I'll watch the Seahawks. I haven't looked over the lineup for tonight but Saturdays are generally dull. I'll probably check out Netflix.

I made a small pan of turkey enchiladas last night so that will be supper for tonight as well. I also took some blackberries out of the freezer to make up a quick cobbler.  Yesterday I decided to change the pictures in a clock my sister gave me last year. I had various family members going around the dial but I wanted a change. Now I have animals (and one snow lady I made last winter).
Today has been a "Linda" day. Linda Farina and I emailed back and forth a while this morning regarding jigsaw puzzles online and then Linda Pedersen called to tell me my letter to the editor finally showed up in the PDN newspaper. (I'd sent it in weeks ago)  Then I called my cousin, Linda Wheat, in Louisville as I needed her latest phone number.  Also wanted to know about her symptoms for Restless Leg Syndrome. She told me she's suffered with it for years.

Some days I don't talk to or see anybody all day long.  But I have my computer which helps keep me a little bit connected to the outside world.

I've got a stack of books piling up by my bed again. Some nights I just can't get interested in anything. Which is another reminder for me to quit buying them on  Damn waste of money when I could just as easily not care for the book and  then return it to the library.  One of my resolutions is to curtail impulse buying.  And that includes thrift stores and yard sales.

Well, nuts! It's only 4:30 and I'm already yawning. Not a good sign that I'll be able to stay up to watch a movie later on. Course I got up at 6 so I don't know what I'm expecting.  I've accepted the fact that my sleeping patterns are going to be all over the place from here until I'm done walking this earth.

Think I'll head over to Facebook and see if anybody has posted pictures.  Gotta find some hand lotion too. This cold weather is making my skin dry and itchy.

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