My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, January 18, 2013

Wintertime...And the Livin' is Easy....

8 a.m. on a clear brisk Friday morning.  All week long I've been hunting for a red sock and a gray sock that got lost in the shuffle last time I did laundry.  I've reexamined everything that came out of the dryer trying to find those wayward socks.  It was driving me crazy!  It's the little things, these days, that drive me crazy.  Today I dumped out the laundry basket of whites that I intended to throw in the washer and WAH-LAAA! The socks made their appearance.  Why I didn't think to look there in the first place is just another reminder at how my mind works.  Meaning, it doesn't!  But oh well, my life is back on track now.

My sister commented about the "critter hole" I posted on my blog yesterday. She figures it's a rat or a rabbit and told me to block it up with rocks 'cause "you don't want rats under your house."  Who says I don't?  ha ha  Needless to say, that's on my to-do list today.  She also told me to get rid of those little fungus things growing and to lop off that bad branch tree.  All of which should have occurred to me on my own but it didn't.  Some gardener I am!

Last night I didn't sleep with the memory foam or the humidifier. I woke up with a raging headache and a sore hip.  The foam is now back on the bed and the humidifier will be plugged in. I think they made a difference.

Interesting dreams last night. Nightmares really.  I went to a restaurant by myself kind of out in the middle of nowhere but in the area of Laurel Grove Cemetery. (I don't want to know what that means!) Anyhow, I ate a salad and was sitting with some nice young people I didn't know. My peas kept falling off my plate and I kept pushing them back onto the plate.  I left without paying. Just plain forgot.  When I got home, I checked the mail (in the mailbox I had as a kid when I lived on Kuhn) and then remembered I forgot to pay. I went back and the cashier made a snotty comment and gave me a ten dollar bill to tip the waiter. I told her I didn't want to tip that much. I only had a salad.

After leaving there, I went back outside and searched everywhere for my car. (This happens often in my dreams) Once I established it was gone, I realized I was in such a hurry to correct my error of not paying that I hopped out of the car and left the keys in the ignition.  Then began my search for a phone to call 911.  No matter who I asked, the phone was either busy or wouldn't work right.  Since I was close to Ruth Kvinsland's house I walked through several yards to get to her place.  She had two phones (both the old fashioned kind) but one was being used by her mother who wouldn't hang up and one by her niece, Alysa Russell.

I went next door to the neighbors but she was Amish and didn't have a phone. Finally, John Boggs came strolling along and he tossed his cell phone to me. It was a weird looking plastic thing like Lego and I couldn't figure out how to push 911.  The dream went on and on like this. Several people showing up, lots of drama, lots of problems to solve.  No wonder I woke up with a headache!

Hummingbirds just  arrived (again) for breakfast so I think I'll do the  same. A bowl of All  Bran is calling my name. And that's just sad.  More later maybe....

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