My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And the day begins...

It's 7:30 a.m. and this is what I look out on as I sit here at my computer. A few trees in the background, a heavy row of yellow scotch broom, high green weeds where the broom was cut down last year (and will soon grow back), a wet street, tall weeds in my curbside garden area that I just can't seem to keep up with, tall grass (a whole lot of clover) doing well since we've had an abundance of rain, bird feeders directly in front of my window, and a bunch of suction cups on the window (including a temperature gauge) to entertain me and to remind the hummingbirds and other winged creatures that there's glass there and they can stop trying to fly inside.

Yep!  Even when I have absolutely nothing to share, I can rattle on and on and on.... hee hee

Yesterday I got a nice long email from a cousin relating events of her dad's life from high school on. It was interesting as I didn't know a lot of the time frame for my cousin, Claude Walker.  She wrote such a good piece that it inspired me to do the same for my dad and maybe myself too.  My family history project has been stalled off and on as I struggled to get through various subjects and on to the "good stuff" that I'm more attuned to writing on.  It's getting better and it's becoming a project I now look forward to working on each morning as I crawl out of bed. And speaking of, I don't know if it's the weather, my age, or a combination, but I sure have been tired this week.  I got up at 6 yesterday (and today) and wouldn't you 8 pm I was yawning. I was in bed by 8:30, read for a half hour, and then gave up to the sandman.

My reading habits sure have changed over the years.  Not so much what I read as how I read.  I suspect the computer and our techy age has contributed.  That, and the fact  my patience level has dipped over time and I get tired quicker.  I can remember in my 20's and 30's how I read constantly and I'd finish one book after another.  Especially at night in bed.  These days, though, I read a few pages and either nod off or lose my concentration and want to try another book.  I usually have 3 or more books going at once and then it's hard to finish any of them.  I figure it's all a matter of self control.  Funny how I realize what I'm doing but can't seem to settle down and fix it.  Kind of like eating.

I just looked over the TV lineup  to see what I might want to tape or watch. Found an afternoon movie with Liz Taylor (the VIPs) that I think I'll tape on the VCR, and tonight from 8 to 11 there's a show called The Devil's Ride on the Discovery Channel that looks kind of interesting. About a motorcycle club in San Diego.  Last week I watched a Discovery channel series on living in Alaska. It was WONDERFUL!  I watched three hours and was looking for more.  Basically about people roughing it in the woods through the winter.

Just browsed around on youTube and found this 9-minute video that Claudia Zeits did about being Rhody Queen in 1964.  I love computers.

1 comment:

  1. Cheri Hoglund MittonMay 23, 2012 at 7:41 PM

    How great to see Claudia! As a girl, I thought she was so glamorous!!!! A QUEEN!!!! I was so jealous of her sister, have royalty as your own sister. Great to see her!!!!
