My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's Up Doc?

Today was a good day.  I went to the doctor at 9 a.m. to see if I couldn't get to the bottom of why I've been having so much difficulty walking, standing, and generally living my life.  Normal activities like sweeping the floor or washing dishes was becoming more challenging and my activity level was lessening each week.  I'm sure it was contributing to the bouts of depression I was having from time to time as well.  Depression isn't something I'm generally bothered with these days as I find my retirement years to my liking.

I was dreading this appointment, partly because it was with a guy I'd never seen before, and partly because I feared the MRI he was going to suggest I have.  I am very claustrophobic.  I typed up my symptoms and questions ahead of time, trying to be as thorough as I could with where it hurt, when, and how often.  He listened patiently and decided an exam was called for.  He pushed on each hip (and not very hard either) and I yelped with pain.  I guess I'd never really pushed on my hip bone before.

My first thought was "Oh my God! Do I need hip replacements?"  He told me he was fairly certain my diagnosis was trochanteric bursitis and that a shot of cortisone should do the trick.  I knew I was tense (I'm always tense at the doctor's office) but I didn't realize just how worried I was about this pain and how it was affecting my life.  I started to cry.  Tears of relief, I'm sure.  I was never so happy in my life to get a shot!  Ha ha   He handed me the kleenex box and I silently chastised myself for being such a weenie.

I know it's not an instant cure and it's going to take a while but I sure was  happy to bypass the MRI and to not just be told to lose weight and all your troubles will magically disappear. Course we all know that weight loss does fix a lot of ills and I'm still working on that.  I'll be working on that till the day they print my obit.  Well, then it won't matter. hee hee

He gave me a shot of novacaine first and then the steroid.  Told me it might take a couple of weeks for the cortisone to kick in but I'm fine with that.  My next obstacle is to get myself motivated to get out and socialize more.  It's so easy to get lazy and make excuses not to go anywhere.  It's been happening more and more with me.

As if to give me that push I needed, God sent a couple invites my way. Phone rang this morning and Mary Gaboury invited me to watch the Rhody Parade at her sister's house on Monroe.  House is right on the route and we're having a barbeque as well.  Not to mention the bathroom that will be handy. Gotta consider all the options.  I wasn't going to drive into PT but now I think I will.  I haven't been to a parade in a while and I want to get lots of pictures.

The following weekend I'm invited to a birthday party in Sequim. I think I'm going to attend that as well.  Bob Blaurock is turning 70 and I assume I'll know quite a few people there.  More chances for picture taking too.

Two weeks after that, Dave and Helen Marriott are hosting a cocktail party at their house and those are always fun.  The next day is the alumni banquet and I'll be there to sell my book and take more pictures.  Thankfully, Sharon Sofie has extended an invite to stay at the house she's housesitting at in Port Townsend. (Liz O'Brien's place)  Liz and Craig are in Alaska but will be back in August for another alumni picnic in Port Ludlow I'm going to.

It cost me over $50 to fill my gas tank this morning so that has also been a factor in my decisions to avoid socializing.   Hmmmmm....a hummingbird just hit my window so I guess I'd better hang up some window decos on that side.  I spent an hour yesterday and today weeding in the back yard. Tomorrow I'm hoping Hunter will help me arrange cement blocks,  big flower pots, and large rocks I've accumulated into a circle design.  I'm sure we can figure out something interesting.

I lost the internet on my laptop this afternoon and the Roku stations on my tv. Still had television channels, though. I called cable and thankfully, they were able to help me. I had to reboot my wireless modem.  That never would have occurred to me.

Well, I think I'll give Sammy a treat and take him for a walk.  I need to test out my hip anyhow.  The twins intended to stay at their house after school today instead of coming here so maybe I'll walk through the woods and take the dog home.

Here's some interesting data on garbage disposals. 

  • Rice and pasta- No matter how much water you run or how long you run the appliance, you can never break rice or pasta down small enough. Both items swell when they are in contact with water, so the small pieces will eventually gather in the trap and swell until it is closed.
  • Animal bones- The garbage disposal is just not strong enough to break these down small enough to fit through. Animal bones are the most common thing that jams disposals.
  • Grease- The grease will eventually solidify and clog a portion, or all, of your drain.
  • Egg shells- Despite what you may have heard, egg shells do not sharpen disposal blades. I’m not even sure how someone would think that would work. Mostly they just end up clogging the line.
  • Any kind of stringy or tough-peeled vegetable- This includes asparagus, lettuce, celery and potato peels. Maybe in a small amount the disposal can handle it, but I wouldn’t try it.

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