My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cameras, Voting, & Snow

First of all....go to    On the left hand side of the homepage is a little girl with a camera and the caption says to 'click here to vote in photo contest.'  Patti Walden, wife of Les who I marched with at our high school graduation, has three pictures submited. Please vote on your favorite. Her numbers are 26, 27, 28.    And thank you!

Granddaughter Catie was in town yesterday to take her mom and stepdad to the airport this morning. We went out for Mexican food about 8 pm last night (she treated) so even though I said I wouldn't post our pic on Facebook, I did it anyhow.  I need to see up close and in my face that I never should be cutting my hair that short again.  Will I never learn?!
And before I forget, here's a couple more pictures I saw on Facebook. First is classmate, Lew Morello with his lady, Sharon Hoare.
And this next one is my nephew, Eddie Forcier's son, Bradley. What a cute couple.  Sorry I don't know her name.
Ran down to the corner grocery store to pick up a PDN newspaper this morning (need the TV section) and saw a  write-up on Jack Guiher. Pam Clise did a nice job. (I'm sending you a copy, Carol)

I also noticed it snowed in the mountains last night.  I decided to take a quick spin around town to get a couple photos. Still haven't mastered taking them with my phone yet but I'm getting there. I hope.

 This house surrounded by the fence belongs to the twins' other Port Angeles grandparents. What a view they have of the mountains.

I kind of look forward to Sunday night television. 'Call the Midwife' is on at 8 pm on PBS and it's well worth the look see.  Have been enjoying the 7 pm show right before it about pioneers of television too. I've been attempting to give certain shows another chance to gain my favor and am kind of liking 'The good wife' and sorry to say....'The Walking Dead.'  hee hee

Well, I'm determined to be more productive than I've been the last few days so it's off to the sewing machine for a little while. I did take the time to fill out my voting ballot last night so at least that's out of my hair. Now if I can just tolerate the never ending repeat political ads being shoved down our throat day and night.  My mute button never got so much use as it's had these past weeks.

Jenni lent me her ABC Distributing catalog a few days back so I'm playing with the idea of getting started on Christmas shopping.  Catie is having a wreath-making party one night this week so she was happy to take all my beads, doodads, and craft stuff home.  I'm kind of on to other things like sewing, reading, and writing so I was pleased to free up closet space.

Here's a singer I think is pretty good...

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