My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm kinda cold....

Brrr.... Looks like it's gonna be another nice day but it's going to be hours before this house heats up. I've been trying to hold off turning on the heat in the morning but not sure how much longer I can hold off.  Odd weather for October.  By the time the afternoon sun hits the back deck, I have to close the blinds to cut down on the glare. I even sat outside yesterday and caught a short nap.

Definitely going to get on my bike this a.m.  At least for a half hour.  I had one hell of a bad night trying to sleep.  All day long I was bothered with leg pain and "almost cramps" so I wasn't a bit surprised when things got worse after I went to bed.  I finally took a couple of Advil at 3 a.m. and dozed off and on until 6:30. 

After breakfast I studied some more videos on YouTube about stretching exercises for piniformus syndrome.  Not sure if I have it or not but doing the exercises certainly isn't going to hurt.  Well, I take that back. I spent a half hour on the floor doing what appears in the videos to be simple stretch exercises.  And they are...but not for roly poly old ladies who are completely out of shape and can barely even get down on the floor.

I managed, though.  Did all the moves (some scaring me a little more than others) and I debated about having my phone near me in case I needed to call for help.  Yes, I realize just how pathetic that sounds, but it is difficult to cope with the realization that getting on your knees and getting up again is not the easiest thing to do.  I know that if I make this a daily routine, the pain will ease up and the exercises will become easier.   I'm counting on that. 

I took off the foam memory pad from my bed and will begin sleeping on a firmer surface tonight.  I have to keep this discomfort in perspective and remember that there are plenty of people suffering with far worse ailments than the body aches and pains I'm contending with right now. It's still hard to put on a happy face, however, and I'll never take a healthy body for granted.

Had to turn off the tv early on this morning. The latest publicity stunt of the two new female judges on American Idol feuding (and stupid Barbara Walters being a part of it) MAKES ME PUKE!  Do they think we're stupid?!  Maybe..... but I think they're stupid! That show just worked itself right off my watch list!

My preferences for what I watch has been shifting over the past few months. I'm leaning more towards Discovery, PBS, the Animal Planet and other shows I only surfed over most of the time. Two of my favorites now are Alaska and Yukon Men.  Definitely have to tape them to watch later, however, as they cram way too many commercials down your throat.

I saw a post on FB this morning where my sister-in-law, Rosemary, shared a story from the Sequim newspaper on her brother-in-law who is a local author.  His place of business (U-haul rentals) was next door to my mobile home in Green Acres so I'd met him before when I went there to return a truck after moving and discovered he was the brother of Hal, Rosy's husband.  The book store in Sequim is having a book signing this afternoon so I think I'll drive over there and buy his book.  Or maybe books. He writes westerns and I think this is his third in a series. 

Just got a phone call from an old neighbor at Green Acres telling me that another neighbor that I visited regularly fell a couple of days back and is laid up at home so now I will definitely drive to Sequim so I can stop in and say hello.

Must be my time for book buying. I picked up two crossword puzzle books at Barnes & Noble while at the mall and yesterday I ordered two from Amazon --Dandelion Growing Wild by Kim Jones (of PT) and a vegetarian cookbook. 

Not much on my calendar for the next week or two.   Been thinking I might start planting all the tulip bulbs here and there and everywhere since the ones I planted in the back garden bed did so well and multiplied.  Probably should go buy a little more dirt, though. Here's some pictures from last spring and the bulbs waiting for me in the garage now.

Well, I guess I'd better get this stiff old body of mine moving. The sooner I get that half hour of bike riding over with, the sooner I can get back to the fun cleaning up my music files on this laptop.  Here's picture 2 of the bad dogs....

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