My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October Saturday

Woke up around 6 and much to my delight, I had slept well through the night without a lot of leg discomfort.  And I even woke up with no backache.  I wonder if removing the foam mattress had anything to do with it.  Hard to say since my body seems to flare up in pain with no prompting from me.  Feeling halfway decent today, though, and I'm not taking it for granted.  I've got my 'to-do list' made and intend to get busy on it as soon as I finish this second cup of coffee I'm working on. Okay...third cup. I drank my second while finishing up a crossword puzzle.

One of the things on my list is to vacuum the house.  I bought a Shark Navigator vacuum on QVC recently and today is the day I test drive it to see if it's easier to push around than my other one.  I also plan to make some spinach bread. I discovered some frozen spinach in the bottom of the freezer that's been there long enough. Obviously, I'm not going to eat it for supper so time to bake it up in a bread...and then maybe refreeze pieces of it. Am betting I don't have all the ingredients I need but I'm hoping. Wasn't planning on running to the store this weekend.

I did drive into Sequim yesterday afternoon. Went to a book signing at a local book store to pick up books written by the brother of ex-in-laws (Rosy & Hal Keene) who I still consider my family.  I bought two books by Buc Keene -- Part 1 & Part 2 --"The Kind of Western I'd like to read."
Had the clerk take our picture so I could show Rosy & Hal on Facebook that I was there.
I also saw a book there that I wanted to buy but decided to put on my Xmas list instead.  I've gone overboard this month on my book buying and I need to put a lid on it. Anyhow, it's called "Out of dreams into Reality". It's $30, hardback, and is memories Sequim class of 1962 students have of Sequim.  Looked interesting when I saw it written up in the Sequim paper and decided I wanted to get a copy.

I intend to sit down in my recliner later today and try to get caught up on my reading. My intentions are good but I often end up crocheting or doing counted cross stitch at night while watching TV and delegating my reading time to bed.  Have been trying to change that routine because I seldom get too far once I'm tucked in under the covers.

I did watch a taped show of 'Sons of Anarchy' last night.  Decided I'm not quite ready to give up on Sons yet but will FF through any sex scenes I feel are unnecessary.  Yeah, I'm old.   ha ha 
Absolutely LOVED the closing song they had at Opie's wake.  And thrilled you can find what you're looking for online.  It was 'The Last Boy' by Greg Holden.  EXCELLENT!

Once I finish up the vacuuming and the bread, most of my chores will be "sittin' on my butt" stuff and I like that best of all.  Have repeat songs to delete in my Itunes file, diary notations to transcribe, and a new blog post to work on for Town Kid.  Gotta get on my bike for at least a half hour too -- and down on the floor for repeat stretching exercises.  Finally got an MRI scheduled - 6:45 p.m. next Wednesday.  Sure be glad when that's behind me.

Have a nice weekend. Here's Opie and that song they played....

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