My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Visiting out of town

I left the house around 8:35 a.m. yesterday thinking an hour and a half was probably more than enough time to get to Bremerton.  At one point, I approached a big sign flashing that the bridge was opening and I could expect delays.  Nuts!   A few minutes, later, however, I noticed cars coming towards me so the flashing notice was probably at the tail end of notifying drivers. Yay!!!

As soon as I got across the bridge, I realized I didn't calculate the time needed to get  there so  I called Carol's house to tell her I was running a little late. Frank said she'd just taken off.
 "Oh dear.  I hope she doesn't get mad that she has to sit there."  Frank informed me: "Oh yeah, she'll be irritated and wonder where the hell you are." 
Nah, just kidding. We just got a new Ford Fuson so she'll use the time to sit and read the manual. Also, I want you to know I got up early this morning just to spruce myself up a little for company." Ha! That Frank! Always the kidder.

I parked and got in Carol's car and we went back over to her place for a while. Just love her house and yard. Very cozy. They've been there since the 70's. Their house is near Olympic College.

 They replaced the walkway in front and had this design put in. Looks sharp.

I walked all over the house commenting on knickknacks and pictures and making a pest of myself. Sure did like this one water color picture she had hung. It was her mom's place on 49nd Street out near the fairgrounds.  The guy across the street painted it (Cliff Wood) and I'm thinking of giving him a call to see if he could paint or draw my old family home.  I've tried drawing it from a photograph but I'm just not good at art and I can't find anybody willing to do it for me.
We left Carol's place, went back to my car parked in a large deserted parking lot, and then I followed her back to Silverdale Mall so we could shop at Michael's, Joanne Fabric, and the mall. We never did find Joanne's and I only found a couple of small items I wanted at Michael's. One was this Xmas ornament that I intend to display year round.  I'm saying it's me even though the girl is blond, thin and cute.

Unfortunately, I was having a bad hip day so wasn't able to browse the shops the way I wanted. So aggravating to be limited at getting around.  Disgusted me so much I made another doctor appt. this morning to get back in there and see if maybe a hip x-ray can be taken.  I'm so fed up with not being able to do normal activities.
I went to Walmart this morning and everywhere I turned, I saw women riding in the motorized carts. I would have loved to have been in one myself but I can usually manage with a cart to hang on to. I mentioned to Carol where the latest leg pain was happening (inside upper thighs) and she told me she had that problem and her doctor said it was piriformis syndrome.  What?  I'd never heard of such a thing.  I came home and googled it, of course, and there's even a video on YouTube for exercises you can do to help it.  I'm starting them today and will mention it to my doctor next week.   I never did hear back on my MRI appt.
I subscribed to this consumer products magazine call ShopSmart (great magazine!) and I received a little booklet with it called 'Should I eat this?'  Interesting stuff.....
A bowl of cereal w/milk 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime may help you sleep more soundly.
Increasing your potassium intake wll help reduce blood pressure.
A slice of whole-grain bread should contain at least 2 grams of fiber.
Honey Nut Cheerios are better for you than Honey Bunches of Oats.
If you have to have chocolate, eat a dark Hershey kiss.
Spices to eat: tumeric for cancer; cinnamon for diabetes; chili to suppress appetite.
Fish that may have high levels of mercury include king mackerel, shark, swordfish, tilefish,and to a lesser degree tuna steaks and canned white tuna.
Adults over 60 should consume extra B12 from fortified foods, and a multivitamin
Aunt Jemima's Orig. pancake mix has more sodium than Wise Potato Chips and Planter's Salted peanuts.
Best foods to eat to fight disease: mushrooms, kale, cauliflower, tomatoes, and broccoli
Rootbeer is better for your teeth than other soft drinks.
Yogurt can ease diarrhea, upset stomach and shorten the length & severity of the common cold.
Watermelon is healthiest served warm.
If you must have a snack, Frito-Lay's Flat Earth vegetable crisps are good.
Spinach helps protect agains macular degeneration.
Mediterranean diet works best to eliminate belly fat and reduce hypertension, high blood sugar, and triglycerides.
To ease acid reflux, chewing gum has the same effect as an antacid.
A side of walnuts with that cheeseburger may prevent some of the damage caused by fatty foods.

Well, all this typing about food has made me hungry.   Guess I'll go fix lunch.  If I can remember over the next few days, I'll share pictures I got in an email from Linda Farina about bad dogs.  They cracked me up.

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