My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Yesterday, once I finished with supper and stacked the dishes in the sink, I opted to head for the recliner and try to get through some of the movies I'd recorded on VHS tapes the past of couple weeks. Stuff like Tombstone, Book of Eli, The Omen, The Departed, and Social network.  I did think about loading the dishwasher but I've reached the point where neatness is  important but I'm not gonna' beat myself up over it if I decide to be lazy.  They can just as easily be loaded up the next morning (and they were).

Sometimes I take this attitude with the laundry I've removed from the dryer.  I usually don't wash clothes except once a week when I've accumulated enough to warrant the water and electricity, although I will make an exception if a favorite t-shirt, sweatshirt, or t-shirt used for sleeping is in the laundry basket and I'm missing it.

I never had enough underpants growing up.   Now that's an interesting statement, don't you think?  My underpants usually came from the Sears catalog and I always favored the cotton briefs with days of the week embroidered on them.  There were times, however, when washing out the underpants in the sink became necessary if the laundry was piling up. Anyhow, these days I probably have close to 3 dozen pairs of underpants.  I still wear the plain ole cotton ones but I don't need days of the week embroidered on them anymore.

Sadly, these underpants seem to be getting bigger as I age.  I wait until I'm down to one pair in the dresser and then I'll wash them up with bleach.  Folding all these underpants (most of which look like they should be sent to the rag barrel) can be boring.  Mainly because they don't fold all that well and look like a neat little pile when I'm done. Ever notice the folded laundry on tv commercials? All the towels are neat and compact. Not mine.  There used to be a time in my young married days when all my linen was new that I needed the towels, hand towels, and wash cloths to be matching and hung exactly "just so" on the bathroom towel racks.

Nowadays I just use a hand towel until it feels like it's time for a fresh one.  I keep getting distracted and meant to discuss the folding of my underpants.  Most of the time I'll sit down and dutifully fold the pants into a halfway presentable pile but if I've got more important things to do, I'm just as likely to pick up the whole bunch in one sweep and toss 'em in the drawer to be pulled out one-by-one each morning.  I don't know why I didn't think of this solution sooner.  Folding underpants is a perfect waste of time.  Ha Ha
Hmmm...I wonder if I'm the first person to share their underpants drawer online?  I'm betting yes.
I watched Dispatched and Tombstone last night. Liked 'em both although they were mainly just shootem' ups.  Tombstone was especially fun because it had so many super star hunks in it -- like Sam Elliott.  Be still my heart!
When I talked to my daughter, Mary, on the phone yesterday, she told me she had a very full lineup of activities today.  Interesting stuff too.  I shared with her my intended lineup for the weekend and it amounted to computer work, reading, jigsaw puzzle, sewing, and television.  Normally, I start to nod off around 9 or 9:30 each night but for some reason that didn't happen last night.  It was 1 a.m. when I finally went to bed, and then guess what happened?  I had insomnia!  I got up a little after 2 a.m. and fixed a cup of cocoa and decided to see if I could change the settings on my blog and do some other cleaning up of files.  I was wide awake until 3:40 a.m.  I went back to bed and found I still couldn't drop off so I got up and took a Benadryl. I figured I'd end up sleeping in until 10 this morning but I was up by 8:15.
I've been so discouraged lately at my fatigue and wishing I could stay up past 10 or 11 that I was really surprised that my body clock was so out of whack.  I wonder what causes that. I hadn't been drinking stimulants and while I've been a little stressed this past week or so, I didn't figure it was bad enough to keep me awake at night.  Who knows.  And who cares?  It happens.
Was moving photo files from one spot to another and decided I'd post a "passing of time" selection of my kids.  I think I'll make up one of me later today. I must be a glutton for punishment because I know how that's going to end up.

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