My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A video kind of day

Sunrise, Sunset...swiftly flow the days....I've always been fond of this song.

I got up a little late this morning. 8 a.m.  It's already noon and I haven't accomplished a heck of a lot. Well, I guess I've accomplished enough.....made a batch of fudge to take this weekend, started packing (my list continues to grow), ran the dishwasher, and did some computer work.  The only thing I really want to get going on is sewing the large quilt pieces together and (maybe) find some material for the border and back. 

Depends on my energy level.  I think the pills I'm taking are making me drowsy and tired. I definitely feel blurry (or something).  Can't see that they're making any difference in the foot/ankle/leg problems either.  But I won't go there. You've heard enough on that subject.

Linda Farina sent me a video on separating eggs and I found another one on YouTube in English so thought I would post it here in case you haven't seen it yet.

I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix last night.  I discovered that I could find tons of available movies on the Netflix website that I could put in my queue for streaming through my television later.  I was getting frustrated that the movies I was zipping through on the tv set didn't have much variety. Especially for older viewers.

I called Neflix and she told me if I logged on to, clicked on the red bar (for Netflix) and then clicked ALL under headings, I would find thousands of movies.  Would be nice if they'd put that information where you could find it.

Anyhow, I watched this flick called 'Lovely, Still' starring Martin Landau and Ellen Burstyn. Also Adam Scott from Parks and Recreation.  It was kind of slow moving at first but I was doing some cross stitch so I sat there and hoped it would improve.  It did.  I had no clue about the twist ending. Made me cry.  Martin, who is 84 right now (he was 80 in this movie) was outstanding.  Really good. And Ellen, of course, is always good. I loved her in 'Same time next year' with Alan Alda.

I made an appt with a dermatologist for next week.  She's right in my neighborhood so I decided to use her instead of driving to Sequim.  I hadn't been in for six years!  I suppose I'm overdue for having someone gaze closely at my large area of skin to be checked for moles.  Need to get it over with, though.  I'm sure it won't be the first time she's seen a fat body, and it won't be the last.

Some of my yard solar lights weren't working so I sat down at the kitchen table to open them up and put in new batteries. I was grossed out at the spider nests inside but I didn't see any spiders so I got out my tweezers and brush and started to clean.  The last light had a spider. I screamed, and jumped up and then ran to get something to kill the bugger.

My camera doesn't take night pictures because I can't figure out how, but they were all working good when I checked after dark.  They change colors from red to green to blue when it's dark. I love looking at them.

Some news stories that show up these days just make me sad.  Unfortunately, these situations are becoming more and more common.  I just don't get it.  That teacher who didn't stop the bullying of that kid under a desk (and participated in it to a degree) does that not call for stronger reprimand than being transferred to another school?  Perhaps there were circumstances not reported. Maybe this kid was a problem child, forever disrupting and requiring extra attention.  I'm betting he was because too many kids these days are "acting up" and getting away with it.  But that's another story.
Then there was that dad who killed his daughter and wife and then went to the police station to turn himself in.  They played up his financial problems and how he "snapped."  Hey!  We all have financial problems or other things going wrong with our life. We don't kill family members over it.
Lock up the good for nothing ASS!  And throw away the key.  Don't let him out just because he's a model prisoner and on his meds or got Jesus.   He does NOT deserve our sympathy!!!!!
I got my Skype account back up and going so I can video talk with my new sister.  I'm excited about this but I'm definitely not happy with how I look on screen.  The camera on my laptop is obviously defective as it shows a tired old woman with really bad hair, large glasses, double chin....well you get the picture.  Not a pretty sight.  Scary even.
I got a kick out of Sammy watching the kids play on the street the other day so grabbed my camera to video tape him.  If he could only be trusted to not run off, I'd love to let him out to play with the kidsbut he's a DON'T LISTEN DOG
Okay...more blah blah stuff to discuss...let me think... I see people coming with empty boxes so I guess one of the gals next door is moving out.  Maybe her FB page will tell more. I'm such a Nosey Nelly.  Oh well, at least I know I am.
Gotta check through my cookbook as I bought a can of Pillsbury rolls (the kind you hit against the counter to open) and I assume I bought it to make pizza crust.  I don't remember.  Don't usually buy those so that must be the reason.  Sure hope I can locate that recipe but if not, I can always search online.  I love computers.
I think my sister is going to start a blog on the Leader soon.  One discussing the various jobs she's held over the years.  And my brother has his own blog going (of sorts) as well.  I follow the comments on the Leader website to see what opinion he's putting forth on various subjects.  We don't always agree on topics of interest, but that's okay.  He can't help it.  hee hee
Guess I'll go back to my blog now and see if the videos are still screwing up. I've blah blah blahed enough for one day.

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