My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Adding a wing to the house

Page from Fred Gwynne's book:

It's 9:30 a.m. and I can tell it's going to be warmer than it was yesterday.  Sigh.....  I am thankful, though, that should this heat wave continue, I've got the option of wheeling my air conditioning unit into my bedroom. It's a nuisance to attach the hose to the window but worth it if you want to get a good nights sleep and avoid becoming the witch from hell when your personality changes.  Ha ha

Turned on my Pandora music to "shuffle" and the first song out was an old favorite of mine......

I suppose if I intend to get anything done today, I'd best do it early as the late afternoon and early evening will make activities difficult.  I don't see how all those people back east and in the midwest survive the heat year after year.

I don't know what my problem was yesterday but I nibbled all day long. I don't usually do that but I guess if I don't make a habit out of it, my dress size won't go up.  Not that I wear dresses all that much.  My pant and shirt size is already as high as it needs to go but we're not walking down that road today. No way I need to discuss those nasty numbers!

I had a sensible breakfast.  V8 juice, coffee, one piece of toast, and a bowl of yogurt with chopped walnuts, berries, and bonemeal sprinkled on top.  I went outside to give the flowers and bird baths some water and discovered, to my complete disgust, that I'd left the hose running all night.  I try so hard to never forget to turn off the water but sometimes you get distracted and while those nozzles that allow you to stop the water  yourself are handy, they're also a hindrance to those times your memory forgets to stay on top of things.

The few places I surf on the computer each morning include...the Leader, the PDN, Facebook, my hotmail, my Gmail, and the lotto numbers.  Depending on whether or not I have chores I'm trying to get out of, I may spend more time looking at the news channels, ebay, and other peoples' blogs.  I saw on Facebook today that they have an app you can download that allows you to post a memorial of a loved one.  I think that's a great idea.  Newspapers charge too much.

Carol Colby:  Thanks for the tip on the Miles Kimball catalog having that CD holder I wanted.  I did go to their website and the carrier was on sale for less that $5.  I was thrilled but by the time they added shipping (which should have been super cheap since we're talking about a flat piece of see-thru plastic) and their $2 handling fee (which always ticks me off!) the price shot up to $11.  I decided the hell with that!  I'll continue storing my CDs in boxes.

Hmmm.. this guy has gone by my house three times in a row.  Driving an old 50's or 60's car (which looks kinda cool) but I wonder what he's looking for.  The road more or less deadends a block from me.  I could get on my bike, I suppose, and investigate but I'm not that curious or energetic in this heat.

Sure hope it's not hot like this next weekend. I'm going to the Jefferson County Fair for a couple of hours on Saturday morning and then heading out to Karen and Dick Jovag's for a class reunion picnic. Looking forward to that as I hear Bob Blaurock and Gene Peterson might be playing.  Have to make sure my camera is charged up so I can take pictures and video for my blog.  I hear they played last night at Rich Stapf's house.  Apparently, music can carry down the hill off Hastings quite well as people could hear the party for several blocks.  Police made a stop to tell them to tone it down.  Damn! I miss all the good stuff!

Guess I'll go wash the dishes I have soaking in the kitchen sink and then see about writing a page or two on my autobiography.  I'm at the part where we left California and are living in Seattle.  Later, I'll go back over the whole thing and edit more and add various things I forgot.  And then I'll begin the picture inserts.  That will be the fun part.

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