My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday morning

Since I took a 2-1/2 hour nap yesterday, I thought I might have some trouble going to sleep that night. But nope...I was out like a light.  It's 11 a.m. right now and guess who feels like she wants a nap.  Hmmmm...I wonder what my problem is.  Besides the fact that I'm old and old people like naps.

Just got off the phone with social security.  Thankfully, they had an option where you could be called back.  My wait time was 27 minutes but I got a call in less than five.  I was having trouble logging on because they didn't like my password.  You really have to jump through hoops to get in but I guess that's good since we have so many rotten people sitting in front of computers these days.

Since we're halfway into January, I thought I would have been notified by now what my premium for drug insurance is going to be with the penalty for not signing up back in 2005.  Good grief!  Way to rob people!  I have to pay $35 extra a month until I kick the bucket.  That's sure not very Christian.  I also pay $23 as month for the insurance and still have a $300 deductible.  With my AARP supplement going up in April, I figure I'm going to pay about $360 a month.  That's about a third of my SS check.  The only solution is to gamble -- or die.  And the second choice is coming sooner or later.

I've been trying to decide what hobby I want to indulge in right now and I chose three at once.  I'm going to set up a jigsaw, and I'm going top work at my sewing machine, and I'm going to work on my genealogy with pictures project.  I've also got some books stacked by my recliner, an afghan I'm half done with, and oh yeah....that exercise thing.  I'm thankful I have the exercise bike. Thanks Rose!

I cleaned out my garage freezer and put what little was there into the kitchen freezer. Am hoping my son-in-law can come by and see if he can figure out what the problem is. It's not leaking a lot but  I think something is amiss.  I realized as I transferred the food, just how little meat I have on hand.  I probably should make a Costco run and see about stocking up a little.  Or ...  I could go vegetarian and save a ton of money and improve my health.  I could....but it's doubtful it will happen.  I don't actually eat much beef as it is.  Mostly chicken, some pork, fish, and ground turkey.  It's all expensive, though.

All this talk about food has made me hungry. Since it's almost noon, I guess I'll see what I can throw together.  My "looking forward to events" this week include football games on Sunday, a doctor appt on Monday with my knee surgeon, and a baby shower on Saturday.  I'm not actually looking forward to the doctor appt but it should be my last one with her and I'm looking forward to that.

Here's a picture of my biological grandmother on my mother's side.  Wish I knew what town she's standing in.  I'm thinking McCleary maybe?

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