My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Oscars

While I haven't seen but one of the movies that are nominated this year, I still have preferences of which ones I want to win.  I know that doesn't make a lot of sense but it makes perfect sense to me.  I'm pulling for Meryl Streep, Judi Dench, Matthew McCon, Bruce Dern, among others.  Any of the movies could win, I suppose, but I sure hope Gravity isn't the one.

I ran four quick errands today.  Mailed a book, picked up a $5 Subway, picked up reprints, and found four pieces of cardboard that I think will work for the puzzles I may want to mount.  Only cost me $7 so Serenity House comes through again.  I think they have different people pricing stuff.  Most of the time, everything is super reasonable but I discovered the art room upstairs had prices that were kind of ridiculous.  I figure the person pricing thought of herself as an art critic.  $20 for a poster of some singer, for example.

I spent more time than I wanted to trying to figure out my computer settings this afternoon.  Everything I wanted to do required studying this help site and then another.  I never did understand half of what they were telling me.  I did manage to change my desktop theme, my font sizes, my color backgrounds, my sounds, etc. but I still need help with using Firefox or Chrome browser.  All in good time, I guess.

Started work on my genealogy a bit and came across this picture.
I had to email my cousin, Diane Westergaard, to get the IDs straight.  The woman on the right is Lilian Blanchard who married John Nisbet. They adopted my mother in the early 20's.

I took a pain pill this afternoon because my shoulders were up to their old tricks.  I had forgotten how they can make your drowsy.  I sat in my recliner at 2:15 and when I woke up, it was 4:30.  I knew I was tired but gees... sure hope that doesn't mean I can't drop off to sleep tonight at a reasonable hour.

I've noticed the neighborhood cats have been spending a lot of time in the scotch broom field across the street.  Must be a lot of good hunting in there.  They also spend more than enough time in my backyard looking for birds.  I noticed a whole bunch of pigeons attacking one of my feeders yesterday so I think I'll cease filling them for a while.  I enjoy goldfinches, robins, hummingbirds, quail, and even starlings sometimes but I've got better things to do than feed the crows, sea gulls, and pigeons.

I decided to fix up my "grandchild frame" this afternoon and added two of Jake. Kind of hard to see him in this picture of a picture but he's there behind the N and the S.
Tomorrow I'll get around to the three letters I didn't get written today, and work on my photo/genealogy project.  I'm kind of winging it as I go.  I'm still debating on whether or not to start another jigsaw or get back into a sewing project.  Sigh.... the decisions that you have to make when you're retired.  So hard.  Ha!

Here's the last puzzle I just finished.  I won't be mounting this one, however.

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