My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, January 20, 2014

Issues with electronics

I've accepted the fact that I am always going to be hitting my head against a wall when I'm trying to understand why my computer or my cell phone are pulling the little stunts they seem to engage in now and again.  I still remember those days of my youth when dealing with story problems in arithmetic drove me to tears.  Later on, it was algebra, learning shorthand (although that was kind of fun), learning to drive a stick shift, and sewing my first skirt. 

Life has changed so much from those days in the 50's.  Now I pull up Google on a regular basis to try and diagnose what my latest pain means.  Sigh....  Speaking of which, I went to my knee surgeon this morning for what I thought was a final appt. She still wants to see me in September but I may or may not go.  Apparently the bend in my knee was at 110 degrees (which the physical therapist was aiming for) and my x-rays and leg extension looked fine as well.

Now all I have to do is try and not fall down again.  There are days when I just plain stumble over my own feet.  And I seem to have developed a habit of dropping things way too frequently.  I've come to expect it, in a way.  Especially in the kitchen. Every other utensil I pick up I can drop.  Or at least it seems that way.  I spend a lot of time bending over and saying dammit!  And I NEVER wash the fallen object!  It's off to the silverware drawer so I can pretend I'm living on the edge.  HA!

After I left the doctor's office, I decided to make a run to Joanne's Fabrics. Bought about 15 fat quarters in various colors.  I'm going to play around with making squares again and having all those pretty pieces in my collection gives me comfort. Kind of like when there's candy in the house.

Safeway's gas pumps were empty so I decided spur of the moment to pull in and fill up.  I hate spending money on gas but hate spending it on cable and insurances more.  I plan on having a relaxing hobby day today.  Sewing, puzzle, writing, reading, knitting.  Yeah, retirement suits me.

Happy Birthday to my youngest daughter today.  All my kids are in their forties and come November, my oldest will be 50.  Holy cow!  That must mean I'm in my 70's already!  huge sigh......

                                       Jenni, me, Catie, and Mary at a soccer game in 2010

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