My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Heart warming

I saw this video on Facebook today and just loved it!  Saw another one about adopted dogs that was also great.  I needed to watch these. I had the tv on in the bedroom while I was washing up, getting dressed, making the bed, etc. and it was so discouraging to hear story after story about the bad things humans do.

I couldn't help but wonder how we've come down to this.  That story of the woman driving into the ocean with her kids was especially horrible.  And we hear crap like this all the time.  You never used to.  What's changed?  I know there are plenty of good and kind people out there but I just don't understand how we've become populated with so many wicked ones.

This Russia story that's going on now, for example.  It's worrisome, of course, but we've always had problems getting along with people on the other side of the globe.  They don't think like we do, and in some cases, that's a good thing. But.... an awful lot of people have this need to dominate and shove other folks around. They're bullies and bullies have to be dealt with.  You can take one look at Putin and see he's really puffed up with  his own self of being.  I've always thought he was pond scum.

Closer to home....when I hear of parents abusing or killing their children, I always stop and'd they get to that place?  Were they born with cockeyed chromosomes or did they make decisions to take drugs that made them insane?  Were they okay when they were born but ended up with a parent or parents who were already nuts and proceeded to screw up the kids too?

Why people do bad things is way too deep to figure out. Especially in a daily blog.  Interesting subject, though.  I'm no angel, by any stretch.  I think I'm more good than bad, however.  I experience anger and rage like everyone else.  So far, though, I haven't gone looking for a murder weapon.  You do hear about nice quiet folks who just go off the deep end while their family and neighbors say "that's not who he or she was."

Since modern communication techniques are so advanced and fine-tuned now, we hear quickly of the bad stuff humans are doing to other humans all over the world.  I don't like reading or seeing this stuff but there's no way I'll forego my computer or television or newspapers to keep myself in a cocoon.  I'm thankful I can watch videos about dogs and cows.  It's a reminder that goodness does exist out there.

And on that note, here's the latest picture of my little prince of goodness.
Off to do my exercises now.  Need to do them  two or three times a day.  My props include a pillow and a cane. After that, it's jigsaw puzzle time and genealogy research.  Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain...who cares?!

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