My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I thought this was kinda' interesting....(and boy would I love to have a knickknack shelf like his)

I also thought these pictures I got in an email from Linda Farina were fascinating:

Icebergs in Lake Michigan sometimes have stripes. Blue stripes are created when a crevice in the ice sheet  fills up with melt water and freezes so quickly that no  bubbles form.
When an iceberg falls into the lake, a layer of  water can
 freeze  to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a
 green stripe.  Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked  up
 when the ice  sheet grinds downhill towards the lake.
The water  froze the instant the wave broke through the

 ice.   That's what it is like in   Lake  Michigan   where it is the  coldest weather in decades.  Water  freezes the instant  it comes in contact with the air.   

I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in person but I would mind living where I had to contend with their winter weather.

It's been a hard couple of days for me what with the shoulder/arm pain returning along with a small panic attack and a case of night time vertigo.  One way or another, my body is insistent on reminding me that I'm 70 and it's no smooth sailing.

My kitchen table is full of genealogy notes, files, and "stuff" to keep me occupied and busy.  I've had so little success in locating my grandpa's younger brother, Charlie, but I have more avenues to go down.  I looked over my notes again and a cousin told me of a letter she has written to my grandmother in 1880 by a friend of hers who was moving to Alabama and encouraged my grandparents to come with them as work was supposedly better there.

I did a little snooping around on the writer of this letter and found a person on who has her data in a family tree.  I emailed her to compare notes and am hoping she replies.  Ironically, this woman had a young son named Charlie.  I know it's a stretch thinking my grandparents adopted him but you have to consider all options when you hit that brick wall.

I have a chiropractor appt tomorrow afternoon and am hoping another manipulation will remind my neck that it has its own place to be.  I did have an afternoon of NO PAIN and I contributed it to the chiropractor.  If he did it once, he can do it again!  I'm counting on it.  Not being able to use your arms is a lesson  reminder that there are people out there who never get the use of their arms.

Call the Midwife starts tonight and I'm glad about that.   Andy's folks are visiting from New York right now and like I knew they would be, they're very smitten with Jacob.  Here he is with Grandpa Karl.

And here's the latest one I received this morning.....ahhhhh....sooooo cute!!!

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