My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


As I sit here having my second cup of coffee, I know I need to get up and start movin' around here.  And I will.  Just have to think about it first.  "Start movin'" was on my mind and since I live in the past a whole lot of the time, a song came to mind....Sure is hard to believe that it's been 54 years since I had a crush on Sal Mineo.

Looked over the TV lineup for today and tonight and I guess I'm gonna tape Sons of Anarchy and Storage Wars.  Will probably watch Dancing with the Stars as I'm real curious who is gonna win.  I want Derek and Ricki Lake but I'm guessing it might be JR this year. We'll see....
Here's Derek dancing with his sister

I noticed last night that the outspoken soccer player from Richland (Hope Solo)was absent from the audience in the background. Her partner, Maks, was with his previous partner, Kirstie Allie. I'd heard Hope didn't hold back at verbalizing her displeasure with the "Hollywood scene."

Well, I'd best get started. Gotta move all the sewing stuff from the kitchen, sweep the floor, make a couple of pies, and wrap some Xmas gifts. Tomorrow I'll whip up the oyster dressing and decide whether or not I want to bother with green bean casserole this year.  Jenni's bringing a veggie plate and Sue is bringing a tomato/cucumber salad so I don't know that beans are needed on top of all that.  Did anyone notice that it was hard to find a small can of French fried onions this year?  Just the new packaging with a slightly larger box and much higher price!

Catie drove Mary and Andy to the airport this morning so they're up in the air now on their way to spend the holidays with his family in Pennsylvania.  Jenni brought the dog over this morning on her way to work and informed me she's getting sick.  Sore throat and general cold symptoms.  I woke up with a slight sore throat myself but am hoping it was just morning post nasal drip.  I can remember more than one Thanksgiving where I was down with the flu. Jenni remembers more Christmases when she's been sick.  Mary, Andy, and Catie are on the outside edges of shaking their bugs too. 

Oh great!  I thought my shooting knee pains of yesterday was a passing thing but alas, it appears it's still hanging on. Guess I'll go take an Aleve and see if I can't nip it in the bud. Always puzzles me how these joint pains develop out of the blue and usually disappear just as quickly.  I hope this is the case this week as I've got chores to do. Like most of America this 4th week of November.

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