My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Brrr...gettin' a little cold out there

I put an extra blanket on my bed this morning. For some reason, I seem to prefer lightweight comforters instead of heavier blankets when I sleep. Never used to be that way. I often slept in flannel and had multiple blankets on the bed, and I can remember a time (vaguely) when I slept in really pretty lingerie.  Got two or three outfits at bridal showers back in 1963.  Course I was younger then.  And slimmer. And prettier, And sexier.  ha ha ha  Nah....I was never sexy.  On the other hand, I do have four kids so maybe I was.  Or I was just easy.  Yeah, that's it.

I didn't get too much accomplished today. That sometimes happens when I decide to work on my next post for the Leader blog.  It's up and ready for viewing so I can concentrate on other things for a week or two.

I cut out a few more quilt pieces, reprogrammed the universal remote, taped some shows on the HGTV channel for viewing later, and made up a big pan of lasagna.  It was kind of runny and consisted of odds and ends I wanted to use up in the fridge but it tasted okay.  Kind of bland but I was able to pawn it off on Jenni and Wayne after I helped myself to a serving for dinner.

Got a coupon in the mail from KFC for buy one, get one free so I'm picking up Virginia tomorrow for their 2-piece meal with mashed potatoes, cole slaw, and roll.  Think maybe I'll stop by Serenity House before lunch to browse for a couple of items I need.

This is a cute commerical. Most commercials with animals I find amusing.

Off to the front room.  Guess I'll watch Dancing with the Stars and see who they boot off.  Any of about four of them could leave as far as I'm concerned.  Did anybody see Justin Beiber on Ellen today?  OMG!  His pants were down to his knees.  Sure will be glad when that immature fad passes into history.  Can't they see how utterly stupid they look?!

I wonder if I was 12 if I'd be mooning over the Justin types?  Probably. I always liked the pretty boys --Sal Mineo, Ricky Nelson, Elvis, the Everly Brothers, James Dean.... but on the other hand, I liked Little Richard, Fats Domino, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Charles, and Johnny Cash too.  Course Johnny was always cute...even when he wasn't.  hee hee

Most of the guys I find appealing now are pretty worn out and look like they've had a hard life...
Bob Dylan, Merle Haggard, Sam Elliott, Mick Jagger, Kris Kristofferson, and Robert Duvall.

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