My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stormy Thursday

Last night as I laid in bed listening to the roar of the wind, I decided to get up and open the curtains and blinds so I could watch the swaying of the trees on the next block over.  At 3 a.m. the wind woke me up and I noticed my clock was dark too. I think the electricity was out for 3 hours so that meant resetting the VCR and clocks this morning.  It was blowing so hard I wondered if my pretty windmill wheel would hold up or be blown away to parts unknown.  That wasn't a cheap little toy for my garden so I might just put it in the garage until winter's end.

The wind's died down now but the rains continue.  An hour ago it looked like rain and snow mixed.  Never a comforting scene for me as I know even a light dusting will sequester me to the house and Betsy to the garage.  But I'll deal with it.  My Thanksgiving dinner ingredients are bought and waiting for prep next week.  I even splurged and bought two jars of oysters to make dressing.

Saw three photos on Facebook that I liked today. One from the Sequim Gazette showing the main street of Sequim last winter, and two from the Leader showing Port Townsend Bay and North Beach during wind storms.

I think all three are really great. Look like calendar pictures, don't you think?

I had a really nice day yesterday.  I worked on cutting out a few more quilt pieces for another pattern I want to try, worked on addressing my Christmas postcards, and rearranged the living room so I could set up a new jigsaw puzzle. I got all the pieces onto paper plates ready for anyone who wants to to sit down and start working on it.  I also placed a Christmas order from one of the catalogs I got (probably the only mail order I'll do this year) and I made a trip to Safeway and the bread shop.

This morning I'll listen to the last tape on this audio book I've gotten into and will start sewing a few squares together. I highly recommend Irving Doig's book "Dancing at the Rascal Fair."  It's about two guys who travel from Scotland in the early 1900's and settle in Montana to raise sheep.  Really great story.

I cleaned the two gallon jars that hold my beta fish (one red, one blue) and as soon as the library opens in an hour, I'll head up there to pick up another book that I had put on request, and they emailed me was ready.

Have taken to wearing a hat everytime I go out now, and not because of the weather.  Why I get it in my head that I can save myself $20 by cutting my own hair I'll never know.  I always end up looking like hell.  Or maybe it's my face.  Nahhhh..   Anyhow, I could do something with it if I took the time to use the curling iron but frankly, I've got other fish to fry and I don't really care if my hair looks crappy.  Well, that's a lie but you know......

Every year I laugh out loud everytime the Target commercial comes on.  I don't know why but this lady is great...

I sure am feeling better since that hideous "procedure" is done and over with. I have three medical appts in December and hopefully, I'll be done visiting doctors offices for a few months.

About time to write another Leader blog and I thought of a terrific subject last night. I'll try to get going on it today or tomorrow.  I'm starting to get interested in the presidential race now that the republicans are fighting among themselves so fiercely.  I haven't decided on anybody in particular but do know who I absolutely don't want (most of them).  As of today, I like Newt Gingrich.

And Dancing with the Stars....I want Ricci Lake (mainly because I LOVE Derek Hough.)  And yes, I know exactly how I sound.  I'm such a silly old lady sometimes.  Off to the kitchen now. I've got a couple bananas turning and begging me to bake them up into cookies.

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