My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, November 4, 2011

Yard work

I had intended to sit and sew today but as often happens, I got side tracked.  One thing led to another and about 3 hours later, I was exhausted, dirty, and achy.  Took 3 iboprofen to try and ward off what I know, without a doubt, is coming.  Especially where my foot is concerned.  I hate hate hate it that I can't work like a plowhorse and get everything done that I want to. I'll sew tomorrow.

I've been discouraged because I haven't  had any birds coming around for weeks.  Decided it was time I took action.  I threw out the thistle seed as I was told on Facebook that finches are gone until next spring.  Cleaning out those feeders was delightful, let me tell you.  Some of the seed had gotten moldy and rotten and I had to poke with a stick and clean with a high squirt of water from the hose.  Messy job!

The hardest chore was trying to stick a bird feeder into the very hard rocky ground.  I wanted them moved and there was no turning back.  I clawed several holes, and used several other tools like the shovel, the hand claw, etc.  to try and get to soft ground.  I knew better.  There is no soft ground in my back yard.

I got the holes dug about 6" down or so and then braced the pole with rocks.  There's a large pile of really good stone on the empty lot of the house next to me. It's been sitting for so long that it's disappearing under weeds. 
Here I am taking a picture of me helping myself.  I don't know if the builder left it here years ago or if the gal who left the house vacant just lost interest.  At any rate, I filled my wheelbarrow three times and pushed it over to my backyard.  (About killed myself in the process too!)

Once the kids get home, I think I'll go over to the airport nursery or Swains or Walmart and see about picking up some birdseed.  I noticed one lousy crow watching me as I worked and sure enough, as soon as I went in the house, four crows landed in the yard to pick around to see what they could find.  I really don't want to feed the crows, but they seem to be the first in line.  Them and the pigeons.

Lifting those pots one by one into my wheelbarrow to relocate them in the bird area was really hard work.  I keep thinking if I don't give up and continue to work that my body will adjust and go along for the ride.  Nope.  She's got a mind of her own, I guess, and never seems willing to cooperate when I want to tackle some toil or another.

I guess I'm not happy if I don't have something to worry about.  I don't like the looks of my tree in the front.  Perhaps it's supposed to look the way it does what with the changing season and all but it's never looked especially healthy to me.  (the builder put it in)  I'm pretty sure the neighbor's tree which sits a few feet away is a different type but it's discouragaging to see how well their tree looks compared to mine.

1 comment:

  1. Trees and other plants must tremble when you walk by or perhaps your house and yard were sited at a previous toxic waste dump.
    Large rocks often precede large backaches. Good luck on that.
    Yer bruthur.
