My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday chores

I crawled into bed at around 10 last night.  I was soooo tired.  I thought for sure I'd sleep soundly and for hours but nope, sleepin' like a baby just isn't gonna happen for me anymore, I think.  Unless I turn to drugs or booze.  And that's not likely to happen.  I do think about it from time to time, though.  Have decided it's too much trouble and I need my money for other stuff.

I kept waking up from 1 a.m. on but willed myself to stay in bed until at least 7.  As I tossed and turned I rearranged the bedroom in my head and once I was up and dressed I proceeded to clean and move everything.  Definitely needed a vacuuming since I filled the dirt cup on the machine easily.  I put my bed facing the opposite direction, moved the tv, put all the houseplants by window (they were in the living room), rearranged wall hangings, and washed and dusted everything down.  Sure looks better.

I moved both my chest of drawers into my large walk-in closet, and moved the movie shelfcase to the living room. (and yeah....that's a Woody from Toy Story pillowcase on the bed and a walker under the bed. I'm a kid at one end and an old lady at the other!)

I sure do love those sliders you can put under heavy furniture to move it across the carpet easier. Saves a lot of time, not to mention muscles. In a couple of days, I'll tackle the extra bedroom as it's become the "catch-all room" and really needs some TLC. 

While cleaning the master bathroom I noticed an old greeting card my sister had sent me in 1991.  I've had it scotch taped to my bathroom mirrors since it arrived 20 years ago, and it was getting kind of shabby so I copied it on my scanner to make a fresh print.
I noticed a picture I had framed was kind of dark so I copied it as well and brightened it up with the scanner before sending it off to Walgreen's for a fresh 5x7 print.  I always liked this photo that my sister-in-law, Lill, took several years ago of my brother, Dana, walking with dad on the Larry Scott Trail.
Well, that's about it for today. I've got a doctor appt on Wednesday (oh joy!) and am going to the Silverdale Mall on Thursday. Catie is meeting me at Target parking lot so she can pick up the twins and take them back to Mary and Andy's for the weekend.  It's always a treat when they get to visit their aunt and uncle in Renton.

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