My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, November 19, 2011

36 degrees

I've got an old vhs tape playing on the VCR and enjoying it immensely. I've got about a dozen tapes, half old country, half old rock and roll, that were taped years ago from the music channels on TV. I stick them in (especially weekend mornings) when I want uninterrupted music that soothes.  Here's one that played earlier that I took from YouTube.

I slept until 7:50 a.m. today and awoke to a backyard of snow. Not a lot of snow, but enough to make me decide to stay inside.

It's raining lightly now but there's a little snow mixed in with it. I've already got my day planned.
Gonna sew quilt pieces, hem in some pantlegs on sweats I bought, fertilize the houseplants, bake a cake, wrap a few Christmas gifts, and read.  I'm working on a counted cross stitch pattern at night when I watch tv.  It's six houses in a row with a couple of trees--all done in blue. Haven't quite decided if I'll frame it or add material around the outside to make a wall hanging. I could also make it a bookmark, as far as that goes. 

I need to make a run into Sequim before Thanksgiving so I'm hoping this white stuff disappears quickly.  The roads are clear enough but I don't venture out if I see any white at all.  Yesterday I slipped on the driveway just walking to the mailbox--and the pavement looked absolutely innocent!  I'm too old to be taking the chance of falling on my butt!  There's enough padding there, I suppose, to save me but I can't guarantee the hip bones could take a tumble.  Especially the way they ache along with my knees when I'm just sitting up in bed minding my own business!

Here's a picture I just got in an email of new dining room lights Mary and Andy installed over their table.  So pretty....

I'm thinking of giving books for Christmas this year.  I've got some really terrific ones on my shelf that are like brand new.  I always like getting books myself. I'm reading several right now..... The Glass Castle, The Fifties, The Last of the Outlaws, and Do dead people walk theirdogs.  Waiting in the wings is Youngblood Hawke and Life of Pi.

And here's a song by Bob Dylan that I really love...dedicated to Mary Travers of Peter, Paul, and Mary (who I also love). She died in September two years ago.

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