My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, December 23, 2013

2 More Days 'til the Fat Man Comes

Mailman brought me a present from my half sister today.  She's the one in prison in PA.  A few months ago she sent me a real pretty afghan (which I use for naps) and today I  got this cool hat.  I'd been wanting one that covers your ears with flaps.
Tomorrow is my last day to get two things I ordered online.  I called the place to track the package 'cause I knew it should have been here long ago.  Sure enough. They sent it out Dec. 11 and come to find out the Auburn, WA post office sat on until yesterday before sending to the PA post office.   That sucks!  I'm stopping my mail while I'm out of town so Maddie may have to wait for two of her gifts if it doesn't arrive tomorrow.

I picked up the twins this morning to take them to Jen's bank as they both have eye appointments.  It's going to be a day of relaxation for me today and tomorrow. (except for the exercises I have to do). I've got a jigsaw puzzle going and am getting into Sissy Spacek's biography.  Also checked out Sinclair Lewis' Main Street.  I decided I was going to read it with a dictionary nearby so I can stop and look up what words mean. (Usually I skip over them figuring life is too short to fill my brain with words I'm never going to use anyhow)  I'll have to train myself to stick with it, no matter how hard it is to get through. That's one of my problems with finishing books.  My attention span is in the gutter.

I'm not sure what's wrong with my knee the last two days but I've been getting some terrific shooting pains right through the surgery area.  They're just quickie pangs but strong enough to make me wince -- and they happen while I'm resting.  Twice in bed last night and once this morning in the recliner.  I don't think it can be arthritis as I thought you were immune from that with knee replacement parts.  As long as they pass on by quickly, I guess I'll just play the waiting game to see if anything develops.  I wonder if it could be scar tissue breaking up.  Hopeful expectations, I suppose.  Knee pain is just a way of life for someone my age but it's still curious why it's happening in my leg with new gadgets inside.

I drove down to Walgreen's Drug Store to pick up some reprints and a panhandler was standing outside.
He asked me for a couple dollars and I said sorry.   Then he said sorry right back and I could tell he was embarrassed.  I wonder if this was something new to him.  At any rate, I went in the store and while I stood in line, I decided I'd give him money when I went back to my car.  Too late, though. He had moved on.

I got a doozy of a paper cut on the tip of my middle finger this morning. It bled like crazy so I had to put a bandaid on it.  Ironically, I was opening something about medical coverage from AARP.
Well, that's about it for today.  I may write tomorrow but if I don't, I'll be back at the end of the week when I'm settled at Mary and Andy's place.  For now, it's off to the recliner -- and a nap, I hope. Some days I'm successful and other days, not so much.

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