My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Monday, December 2, 2013


I just got up from a nap.  Didn't want to get up but I noticed my body circulation slowing down to "almost gone" speed and figured I'd better start moving.  Too close to bed time anyhow.  I've been noticing that I'm sometimes cold after laying still for a period of time.  I've probably gone into that stage of life where my circulation is slowing down and I need the heat on more.  Which is the case now.

On the other hand, the weatherman is talking cold temperatures on the way and maybe even some of that white stuff.  Ugh!  I don't like white stuff unless my fridge is full and I have no place I need to go. Which isn't often the case.  At any rate, I got up from my nap at 4, and put on my jammies.  Dinner will be a Marie Callendar package 'cause I am way too sore and way too tired to put any effort into cooking.

I went to the physical therapist this morning.  I knew it was going to hurt AND IT DID!  Big time.  Unfortunately, their new office space is set up so you're being manipulated and worked on in a large room with other people.  There was only one other guy there today but I was the only one moaning out loud.  Their exercise equipment looks out on the main street and I'm not real fond of passing traffic getting to look in at me suffering away.

I tried not to make verbal noises as she bent and bent my knee but it was right up there on a level with labor pains.  At one point, when I was on my stomach and she was bending my knee, I felt like slugging her!  I wouldn't, of course.  This is all for my own good.  She asked me in the middle:  "How are you doing? Are you okay?"

I answered back:  "Does it sound like I'm okay?"  And when I finally got to leave, she said:  "See you on Wednesday!"  I answered:  "Yeah.  I can hardly wait."  That brought a few laughs. (but not from me)

I had a few errands to run so I stopped at the post office and stood in line, stopped at a neat gift shop downtown, stopped at Walgreens to pick up my reprints, walked around Goodwill looking for  deals (didn't find any; their prices are too high)  They had one pillow in its box for $18 and I had recently bought the exact same memory foam pillow at Walgreens for $4.99.

I had a doctor appt an hour later and was dismayed to arrive and find I was sixth in line to register. They only had one girl at the reception desk and normally, there's two or three.  All the people standing were elderly and slow moving.  Like me.  I fit right in.  I notice old people a whole lot more these days. They're everywhere and I move just like they do.

I stepped on the scale and discovered my weight was up again.  Of course it is.  That's the kind of day I'm having.  I knew my appetite had picked up again but I was depressed to see how quickly the number on the scale was inching up.  I said one of my favorite words...SHIT!  I wanted to use the other one but figured the time for that was in my own car later.  Ha Ha

My doctor decided my tale of woe and suffering for four months with terrible shoulder, arm, and neck pain was long enough and she gave me a cortisone shot on the right.  If it works, I'll go back so she can do the left side.  She told me to rest and use ice and heat through the rest of the day.  And to take pain pills.  Which is what I've been turning to the last couple of nights.  Last night was especially bad.  I've got my fingers crossed that this shot will do the trick.

I'm already dreading my Wed morning physical therapy appointment but I will continue to flex and bend the next two days so I can endure  that manipulations a little better than I did today.  At one point, I even farted.  It was a baby fart but still....I don't like farting in front of people.  I almost told her it was her fault.  Ha ha

Gees, but it got dark quick today.  We are approaching the longest day of the year, though, so I guess mother nature is right on schedule.  As I drove down Front Street after my p/t, I noticed the sky was quite black and right in the middle was a large rainbow.  I certainly don't want snow. At all!  Even if it would mean I could pass up my Wed. morning p/t appointment.

Yesterday I felt pretty good when I woke up.  Had enough energy to work on my latest little lap quilt.
It's nothing fancy. Has a dark green sheet for the backing and light batting inside.  I'm tying it as my attempts to machine quilt usually ruin my project every time. Just used odds and ends I had on hand so there's no rhyme nor reason to its design.

I pulled out my Christmas gift stash to see what I had on hand. I usually have a dozen or two things I've picked up over the weeks but not this year.  I'm cutting way back. Even stopped at the bank to pick up a handful of twenties so I can give the grandkids cash.  I am going to surf around online a bit, though, to see if I can't find something that they won't consider "another dorky gramma present."  Ha!

One of my favorite tv shows these days is Alaska Frontier.  I get such a kick out of watching those farmers and all their chores.  If I was younger and fitter, I think I'd like to live up there.  I say that now but we all know I'm full of it.  They work entirely too hard and it would probably be more than this ole body could handle.  Sure is fun to watch, though, and I learn all kinds of stuff in the process.

I've noticed the things that make me laugh out loud these days is changing all the time too.  I can be around Mary or Jenni and they're laughing at all kinds of things I find only slightly amusing.  Last night I had America's Funniest Videos on and only two made me laugh out loud.  One was a cat who got scared when another cat looked in the window at her.  The second was a little white bunny pushing a red balloon around on the floor and when it popped, his legs couldn't move fast enough to remove him from danger.  Cracked me up!  I watch the ones of people falling down and I don't laugh at all. They make me cringe in pain.  But I know where that's coming from.

Well, I'm all warmed up now. Guess I'll throw Marie in the microwave.

1 comment:

  1. Joyce, WARNING!!! I did work injury claims for 30 years and recently had back surgery myself. PHYS. THERAPY sessions should NEVER hurt that BAD! I think you need a new doctor to monitor this. PLEASE be careful and speak up. Your friend, Peggy .
