My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December morning

Brrrr!!!   It's cold outside.  I put on my long underwear this morning but had to take the bottoms off once I started in on my exercises. Funny how that works.  Every exercise I do is slow going since I'm so out of shape, but hopefully, things will get better as I continue along.  My main problem with using the exercise bike is not my sore knees but my sore shoulders.  I did get a coritsone shot in the right shoulder on Monday and I think it's improving.  Am I repeating myself?  Probably.  I do that a lot lately.
(Like for the last few years)

As I was laying on my bed to do side leg raises, I was facing the window and noticed these white things mixed in with light rain.  I knew what it was but I was hopeful it was just mother nature teasing us.  I took a picture from the front porch later but it was only on driveways for the most part.
I found a small supply of Christmas cards left over from last year (about two dozen) so I guess maybe I'll buy some stamps and send out a few next week.  Half of them are the kind of card that needs a photo inserted so I found one in my collection that I thought was colorful.  Not a winter picture as I'm already looking forward to spring.

Noticed the neighbor's cats on the storage shed over my fence keeping watch on my bird feeders.
One left to head to her own yard  but the other one thought I was standing in the doorway with food so she made a beeline for me.
Nope!  Not today kitty cat.  Go ask your owner to feed you.

I was really tired and achy after my physical therapy yesterday and it hurt like hell again!  I've got to force myself to hurt myself at home so I can quit going in there for the therapist to hurt me.    I don't push myself to the point she does 'cause I DON'T WANT TO!!!!

I finished up a few household chores this morning and decided I'd begin again on my sewing projects.  I thought for sure I would sleep soundly last night as I tossed and turned the night before but was another night of waking up every hour to pee or roll over or adjust my pillow  or cough or shake myself out of another bad dream.  I miss the nights of sleeping like a baby.  I wonder if I'll ever experience them again.

Gotta get off the computer now and move to another room.  This room is kinda small so it's easy to warm up but..... it gets too warm and makes me cough so I have to turn off the heat. Then, it doesn't take too long and I'm cold again.  Will be better when I'm sewing as I'll be up and down more. At least that's what I'm counting on.  I got up at 6:30 because my body was achy laying in bed.  I wasn't done sleeping, though, 'cause now I'm yawning and thinking about a nap.  And it's not even noon yet!  How did this happen?  I can vagulely remember getting up every single day, preparing for work, and not needing one nap.  But then again, it's been 11 years since I retired.  Time marches on.

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