My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's December already

Only another month of writing 2013. Wonder how long it will take for me to remember the new year? I seldom write 19....anymore but it took years for me to let that go. And why wouldn't it?  I lived for 57 years in the 1900's...

I slept until 8 this morning. Actually felt halfway decent when I woke up.  I was happy as that doesn't particularly happen often these days. Perhaps it was the humidifier I decided to plug in last night?  Whatever...I didn't take my feeling of restfulness for granted.  I showered, fixed a poached egg, worked a crossword puzzle, and decided to rearrange my office and sewing area a bit.  This process means I rearrange knickknacks too.  It's an odd habit but I've been doing it my entire life.

I did my exercises on my bed and rode the exercise bike for a little bit.  Would have stayed on it longer except my arms and shoulders were in too much pain.  Every once in a while, I have a day where the arms aren't that bad and I think...."Finally...I'm on the mend."  And then the next day....Nope.  Not yet.  I see my doctor tomorrow morning (after physical therapy) and I'm going to ask her about a cortisone shot.  Four months is long enough to be putting up with this nonsense.

Jenni and I went to see Gravity last night.  I've got to remember to research movies before I decide to subject myself to sitting in a theater for two hours and spending my money. What a piece of crap that flick was!  Big ripoff. I was bored almost immediately and I wish I had said so to Jenni as I found out later when we were leaving the theater that she thought the movie sucked too!  Could have saved us both an hour by walking out like I wanted to.  Laying out dough for movie tickets is a splurge on my budget so I don't take kindly to those that disappoint as much as that one did!

I took a couple of pictures on the street as there was a crowd two blocks away waiting for Santa to come and the big tree to be lit up.  Jenni used to work at this theater when she first moved to Port Angeles. When we sat down, we were two of four poeple in there but eventually a dozen more showed up. I had her take a picture or two while we waited.

While straightening up my office this morning, I came across a box of photos I've been meaning to file away.  Kind of put me in the mood for getting back into my pictures project.  Not really sure what that entails as I'm still thinking on it.  I've got quite a few in various categories and they're way too interesting to just leave in a box.  Sometimes I think about scanning the best ones and burning them to a CD by topic or area or people.  Definitely going to put some thought into that.  Several could be tied in with my genealogy project too.

I guess I'll get a letter or two typed up today and resume work on the small lap quilt I have half done on the kitchen table.  Weather is wet and gloomy but as long as the white stuff doesn't appear, I'm fine with whatever comes down.

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