My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday night

Man, was I ever on a roll today.  Been ages since I've been able to maintain my energy level from morning to night.  I did take a nap but it was only 15 minutes, if that.  I got a few presents wrapped and I'm always happy when that chore is done.  I'm cutting way down this year so the wrapping is less than usual, but it's still a job.  I've always wished I had more patience to make my packages really cool looking but like dieting, my intentions are there but they go by the wayside.  I know there are tons of websites now (like pinterest) that would help me with ideas and techniques but I'm always just anxious to get the whole thing over with so I can go do something else.

I had a few odds and ends I needed to use in the fridge so I made some mini pizzas for supper, using English muffins.

I thawed out a couple packages of rhubarb and baked a cake.  One of my favorite recipes as it's super easy.  I don't always have good luck with cake baking. I do much better with pies.  I also made up a small pan of rhubarb sauce.

I surfed the net for a while looking up everything on my list of to-dos and then I cleaned out my email address book of old addresses.

I got two more book orders so that always makes the day nice and I even managed to get a little done on my jigsaw puzzle.  I decided I wanted a tad more Christmas decorations after all so I brought in a few gold bulbs in a vase.  The vase looks kinda small here but actually it's about a foot high.  

I sat all my cross stitch designs out on the couch trying to decide who to give what to.  I'm never happy with my finished project so I hesitate to give to anybody who sews.

I plan to get into applique the next time I set up my machine to play around.  I'll have to do a little studying on it, though, as the stuff I want to make can't be whipped out quickly.

Happened to notice an area of my backyard that is getting clawed up.  I have a family of quail under the deck and they picked that particular spot to scratch for bugs.  If my yard didn't already look like hell, I might be a little upset but between the moss and the dead grass, it doesn't matter.

The one thing I didn't get done today was my exercise routine.  But I'll get back on board tomorrow.
Got my Social Security notice that I'm getting a big whopping $16 raise.  Since AARP is raising my insurance rate by $13, I figure there's nothing to get excited about.  I half expect cable to raise their rates again and that will probably help me decide for sure to cut down my subscription back to the basic channels.  I hear utilities are going up too.  It's a losing battle. One way or another, sooner or later, somebody will take my money.

I'm calling the dentist on Monday morning and getting it over with once and for all so I can quit worrying that the pain that isn't here yet but is close needs to be addressed.  I'm all ready for the verdict of a thousand dollar root canal.  I did buy a couple mega tickets for the drawing on Friday but I've lost interest and don't intend to buy even one for the next drawing.  My Hit Five tickets will have to do.  I know I should quit buying them altogether but what the heck....

Off to bed I go. Tyrone Power's bio was boring almost from the beginning so tonight I'm trying out Mickey Rooney.  And here's a cute video that made me chuckle...

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