My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Day

"THE" weekend is finally here.  I've got a quiet day planned. Need to bake a couple pies to take to Renton tomorrow and that's about the extent of it.  Intend to play at the sewing machine, listen to audio books, and watch TV or videos. I'm heading over to Jenni & Wayne's house around 5 pm for pizza and salad.  We'll open a few gifts and then I'll come back home to pack up what I need for the morning trip the next day.

My dreams have been "over the top" this week. More stranger than usual but I suppose the holiday season does stir up memories in the hidden brain cells.  I must admit....I'm more than ready to have this holiday season fade out.  The prep for Christmas seems to wear me out a whole lot faster than it used to.  It does have its fun parts, but I think the scale is tipping towards "too much work" a lot of the time too!

I took just a few pictures yesterday.  Here's one of Hunter who discovered an ice circle in the bird bath when he was pullng my garbage bins back up to the side of the house.  The second one is Sammy investigating the "broken ice circle" once Hunter dropped it.  (he took a few licks)

Sue, Paul, and Catie arrived around 6 and we had a buffet of Subway sandwiches, chips, dip, and goodies.  Wayne wasn't able to get off work from FedX  but then we kind of expected that. He always works late into the night during the Xmas season.

Here's a shot of Catie trying on underpants.  Ha Ha   And another group shot thanks to the tripod my son-in-law, Andy, gave me a couple years ago.

I want to wish a Merry Christmas to ALL my family and especially Lee & Elaine Arey who are spending their holiday in a Seattle hospital.  We're all anxious to see Lee up and around soon.

And a special hello and Happy New Year to my Class of '61 friends, my email pals, my cousins, my girl friends, and all those folks that have been a part of my life at some time or another but I never get to see anymore.  Ending a year and starting a fresh one always brings memories to the surface.  Some happy. Some sad.

My next post will probably be Monday night or Tuesday morning.   Until then......have a good Christmas!

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