My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, March 23, 2012

Company Comin'

Having overnight guests occasionally is a good thing. Makes you put a little more effort into cleaning up nooks and crannies you'd normally ignore.  I swept, mopped, vacuumed, put on fresh sheets, clean towels, straightened up, put away clutter, and even tidied up the yard.  Funny thing is, I didn't really need to do any of it. Andy and Mary couldn't care less.  But obviously, I do.

Hunter even pulled out the weedeater to cut the grass around the gate so it would open easier.  He did it on his own too.  Maddie swept off the front porch and picked up dog poo.

I picked up a hard copy of my book to proof, and as usual, found several errors to fix.  Mostly quotation marks and spacing things you can't always see on a computer screen.  The printer was more social this time. She showed me a sample of a book using regular binding instead of coil.  If the price is decent, I might choose that. Sure looks nice.  Am going to sell it for $12 with $3 tacked on for mailing.  I stopped at the substation to weigh the book in an envelope to see what it would cost. Even with book rate, it was $2.50 each.  And then there's the cost of buying those dang manila envelopes.  Oh well, you gotta spend money to make money, they say. 

This is the scary part of marketing.  The more I order, the cheaper the price but....... what if I don't sell them?  Arggghhh!!!  One day I'm feeling good about the book and confident it will be well received. The next day, my insecurity kicks in and I wonder if I'm looking through rose-colored glasses.  I think that's partly because you get too close to the material.  At any rate, I've spent over a month working on this project so it's do or die.  Once I get my investment costs back, the sales will go to the alumni scholarship fund.  Yeah, I know. I'm repeating myself.  Be prepared. My blogs are going to be my advertising tool as I go along.  The alumni newsletter is coming out shortly and my ad will be in there as well.

Picked up my new glasses yesterday.  Maddie noticed immediately but Hunter didn't.  They're very similar to my old glasses. Here's my small frames (which the kids say I look the best in but they give me eye strain), then my old frames and new ones.
Yeah, my blog subjects are getting lamer every day!

Kinda scary to see your face up close sometimes.  I do believe my age is showing.  Ha ha

On the way home, I kept noticing how beautiful the mountains looked. Decided to pull over and take some shots.

Notice on the 1st &4th picture...that little black dot on the upper left?  I get that everytime I zoom in.
Not sure how to get rid of it either (or if we have a camera shop in this town)  I've cleaned the lens and can't see anything but obviously, something is hidden in there.  Aggravates me as I take a lot of photos.

Well, off to take my vitamins now and hunt for my hummingbird feeders. I wonder if it's too early to hang them outside.  Have to google that.

1 comment:

  1. Joyce, I like your new specs, gives nice color to your face. But not as much as Sally Jessy Raphael's. haha. Peggy
