My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, March 18, 2012

making a to-do list

My body clock has been a little off since we set the clocks forward. I seem to have a little problem adjusting every time we go through the routine.  Sleeping pattern is the most noticable. For a long time I couldn't stay up past 10 and often, that was pushing it.  Now I'm in bed reading till midnight and sleeping until 8:30.  It'll change again, though; it always does.

I fixed myself a hot breakfast of poached egg, link  sausage and hash browns with OJ and coffee and toast.  I was going to fix roasted vegetables for supper last night but was too tired. Made a salad and cooked a frozen chicken garlic pizza I had in the freezer. It wasn't that good.  I'll have the roasted veggies tonight.

I finished my morning chores of unloading the dishwasher and washing up the breakfast dishes so I've got the day ahead to myself.  I have a letter to write and I need to fill out "again" a medical summary of my life for the new doctor I'm trying out next month.  I may end up using Dr. Google as my primary.

I've been watching Netflix ads hoping they'd get Steven van Zandt's show "Lilyhammer" onboard. Finally found it last night.  Eight episodes so far and I'M LOVIN' IT!  I was laughing out loud several times and it's not an easy show to watch if you're trying to knit at the same time because there are a lot of subtitles.  Not all subtitles, but some.  Takes place in Norway, of all places.  vanZandt's character goes there to hide out from the mafia that he's testified against.  I adore watching him and listening to him talk.  He was always a favorite of mine on the Sopranos. Pictured here in the dark suit with some of the Soprano cast. He's also in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band.
I watched four episodes last night and will probably watch the balance this evening.

Well, time to get busy.

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