My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A day of this and that

I'm going to have to figure out a way to come up with better titles when I post on this blog.  I can seldom think of anything clever.  I stayed up kinda late last night. I was reading and while I'm usually not able to read more than a page or two without fatigue setting in, every once in a while, I get a spurt of energy and my eyes will focus long enough to turn several pages. 

I worked on the computer all morning.  Mostly editing my book, sorting through pictures, cleaning up files, etc.  Time flew by.  I picked Yvonne up at 12:30 and we went to see 'The Artist.'  I swear to God I'll never understand why movies get nominated--and often times, why they win.  This movie was ok but certainly not the best movie of the year.  No way ever!  It didn't make me laugh, feel sad, excited, nothing.  All it did was make me wish it would end.

I'm finding that sitting in movie houses anymore is just way more uncomfortable than it's worth.  The seats were comfortable but my legs cannot sit for an hour and a half plus anymore.  And then there's the mystery of wondering if you're going to get a dingbat sitting behind you.  I was very annoyed that I had to sit through TV commercials that I would FF if I was home.  That's probably why they're advertising in movie houses now.  They know people are FFing through them most of the time.

With the availability of Red Box and Net Flix and movies you can stream to your television, it doesn't seem like it's worth it to spend cash on a movie ticket.  Unless you're a kid or maybe on a date. Neither one of those applies to me.  I've become pretty disillusioned with the marketing movie people do to get you into a theatre.  Most of the time, it's oversell.

Their refreshments are overpriced and there's no reason for the sound to be as loud as they crank it up. I just may have gone to my last movie today.  We'll see.

Yvonne gave me four polish sausages that she felt were too salty so I'm going to make up a pasta salad that I like tomorrow. Calls for multicolored pasta, blanched carrots and broccoli, sausage and mixed with Uncle Dans.  Yum!

I've been yawning for hours so I guess I won't last too long this evening. I'm not going to bother with setting the clocks back until morning.  Tomorrow marks 7 years that I've been retired.  I'm going to celebrate by spending the morning on my computer and maybe the afternoon at my sewing machine. Yep.  I do love retirement.

My granddaughter found an apartment today.  It's real close to Mary and Andy. I love that they can send me a link of the place. Here's a  couple of pictures.

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