My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

I woke up at midnight....well, actually five minutes until midnight and suspected that OUT OF THE BLUE, I had come down with a cold.  We'll see.  I spent about an hour feeling like I had bugs crawling up my nose. Way up my nose and I was stuffed up and miserable within minutes.  Got out of bed and proceeded to squirt nasal spray, take an allergy pill, set out the kleenex box, and spread a pat of Vicks under my nose.  Good ole Vicks!

Maybe I'll throw my pillows in the dryer for a few minutes. Never sure if that works but I keep thinking being in bed with my head buried in pillows has something to do with this as it's happened before.  Dust mites and all.  Eweeew.. Now that I think about it, I do have a plastic-like pillow cover around here somewhere. I'll have to hunt it down. It's a noisy thing, though. Too crackly.  Can you tell I don't have much to talk about this morning?  Ha Ha  I'm more interested in seeing how my cursor behaves as I type along.  Still can't figure out why it sometimes moves to a different spot. Perhaps I'm barely touching some function key and don't realize it. This keyboard does seem to take on a life of its own.

Like  now.  I paused after coming down here for a new paragraph and my cursor jumped back to the word "crackly" right between the c and k.  Anybody have an answer why that happened?  I know I didn't touch a thing.  Going to make a new paragraph now and pause to see where it goes.

Okay. We're playing games now. It didn't jump anywhere. Dang blast it!

My computer room (I've got to find another name instead of computer room) office.  Yeah, office works better. Now to try and remember to refer to it as the office.  Anyhow, it's slowly filling up with techy stuff.  I brought my old computer back from Jenni's and have it plugged in behind and below me along with my old printer and scanner.

In mouse cursor was laying near the bold key and when I started to type, the key was activated. I moved the cursor to the abc key, and a cross-through occurred. That tells me that my mouse is trying to dictate my typing. Maybe I'll need to unhook it and use the laptop mouse instead.  I guess I'll continue to experiment and see why my plug-in mouse is thinking it knows better.

Anyhow, back to my techy gadgets....My thrift store stereo seems to play my cassettes very well. Much better than the two boom boxes I was using.  It has a radio too so I may continue to use it even after I figure out how to transfer my tapes. My son thinks the tapes will need to be transferred to my computer into a file of their own as he's not sure they'll convert to a format that Itunes offers.  Just more "stuff" for me to learn.....but I'm getting there.

I  brought my old computer back as I needed to download some files that  we neglected to transfer from Outlook Express.  I also decided I preferred my old printer and scanner as I was used to them.  Since they won't work without the computer, I hooked them back up too.  I still like my new printer/scanner; I just have to get to the point where it's not intimidating me.  Kind of nice to have two printers anyway.  Especially since I just bought color ink for the old printer and that stuff isn't cheap!

Okay, enough chatting about nothing. I'm off to the shower to see if I can't make the happy peppy Joyce appear. She usually emerges after a hot shower---until that is, she sees her happy peppy naked body in the large mirror facing her as she opens the shower door. Then she converts back to the real world quickly! left fingers feel numb.  I wonder if that's because my wrists are sitting on the keyboard to type.  If it isn't one thing, it's another.

Doesn't look as frosty cold out there this morning. Weatherman says rain is due and then the white stuff. Guess I'll go hunt for my boots out in the garage. Maybe I'll clean out the garage today if it's not too cold. Might as well stir up the dust since it seems I've already got things stirred up while in bed. That means putting off the shower until afterwards.  Life is so full of decisions.  Ha!

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