My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Trying out a new look

Thought it was time for a change so I picked a new template design for my blog this morning. Also added some pictures to the bottom of the main page.  Nothing new; just PT pictures that I've always liked.

Rain is coming down steadily  and it's a welcome sight. Can even see my lawn again so let it rain, baby! I was thinking of making a library run since I finished my audio books but maybe I'll wait until tomorrow.  'The same sweet girls' by Cassandra King is one of my favorite books now  The ending made me cry.  Probably one of the best death scenes I've ever read (or heard in this case). It was read by Laura Hicks who had a fun-to-listen-to southern accent similar to Paula Deen, the tv cook. The author's husband is Pat Conroy, another author I like.

I decided since my blog often bogs down with silly and not all that interesting tidbits about my life, that I would share other tidbits I see in  magazines or books.  Two that I'm reading right now are 'Treasury of Health Secrets' and 'Where are they buried?'

'Where are they buried' is quite interesting as they talk a little about each person as well as telling where they're buried and what they died of.  I'll start with TV& film personalities----Steve Allen (born Dec 26, 1921-died Oct. 30,2000) was in a minor traffic accident when another driver backed into his car. The fender-bender bruised Steve's chest and ruptured tissue in his heart (which wasn't too healthy in the first place). The rupture caused a blood leakage and when Steve dozed off after dinner, he never awoke. He was cremated and his ashes remain with the family.

James Cagney(July 17, 1899-March 30,1986) died on Easter Sunday from diabetes and heart disease. Longtime friend Ronald Reagan delivered his eulogy. He's buried in Hawthorne, NY.

Jack Cassidy (March 5, 1927-Dec 12, 1976) dozed off while smoking a cigarette which ignited the couch. The fire consumed the entire building. The charred remains of one person were found, but positive visual identification was impossible and family members hoped that the remains weren't Jack's as his car was missing from the garage. He had loaned the car to a friend and dental records later identified him. His ashes were scattered at sea.

Self defense against colon cancer:
Colon cancer is rare in regions where vegetables and grains make up the bulk of the diet. It's common in the US and other western nations where the diet is largely based on meat. Wheat bran is more protective than fruit and vegetable fiber. Oat bran has little impact on colon cancer risk, though it does reduce cholesterol levels. Consume at least 1000 mg of calcium. It neutralizes bile and fatty acids. Ideally, through diet, not supplements. Eat lots of citrus fruits & dark green and yellow vegetables as the best source of antioxidants.
Exercise! Walk or do some other exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week.
Some studies have shown people who take asprin or ibuprofen regularly face a reduced risk of colon cancer.

Well, I need to move to another room and get productive.  First though, I suppose I should pay a bill or two online before I forget.

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