My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It is pretty, though....

Guess who isn't venturing outside today?  Her name starts with a J.  Well, that's not completely true. I will pull on my boots and walk across the backyard to shake the snow off of the bird feeders.  I filled them all with thistle seed yesterday as I found a sack of it in the garage. Wasn't sure if they'd eat it but they are. 

I may invest in a better pair of boots once this weather passes.  The pair I have are okay but they don't come up very far or close all that well.  Ha!  You'd think I was a winter sports enthusiast who got out there and played in the snow.  Not hardly.  Making a quick snow witch is about the extent of my energy level. Don't really have the proper mittens or gloves either.

I was surprised at how well Sammy took to the deep snow yesterday. He'd jump across it quickly to chase birds or kids--even though it was up to his nose and more.  Kind of interesting to see the snowdrifts as we don't often get those when it snows.  That's the pretty part, I think and I probably will bundle up to go out and take some pictures.

My guess is that Jenni and Wayne don't have to go to work today.  Course I could be wrong but it would seem silly to drive with the roads looking so dangerous. My daytime activities are going to be devoted to hobbies.  I've got sewing projects in the works, a jigsaw puzzle laid out, crocheting, knitting, counted cross stitch, book to listen to, videos to watch, and computer websites to surf to.

I finished my Leader blog about the Rec Center yesterday so I'll tweak that this morning and try to get it posted before 10 o'clock.

I wanted to stay up and watch Southland last night but I just couldn't keep my eyes open.  I already had both VCRs taping other 10 pm shows so I'll have to keep my eye peeled and watch for Southland to show up in a repeat episode. They often do that at odd hours or different days.

Well, that's about it for now. I do hope to play around with my picture program today and see if I can't get more comfortable with resizing photos. Here's one Hunter took yesterday of his snow fort. Maddie built hers on the other side of the yard and they had a snowball fight.

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