My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here we go!

Happy New Year!  At least let's hope it will be happy most of the time. We all know it's kinda hit and miss day to day. 

I've been keeping this special diary of "Jan 1st notes" since 1970.  Just a few short sentences on what was going on the first day of the year.  Totally boring. But somewhat amusing when you go back and read it years later.  I missed a couple years in the mid 70's and the first three years of the 80's.  Not sure why.  Here are four of the notations ...

Jan. 1: I got up at 9:30, and my hangover wasn’t too bad. Party we threw was sure awful. I don’t think anyone had a good time…including me. I spent the whole day just loafing. Read a little. Rosemary came by with Donny to get her record player. I didn’t do my exercises today. John got on my nerves. Dad called to wish us a happy new year.

Jan 1: Decided it was about time I did something about my weight. Am starting a diet. We didn’t go out last night. Watched ‘It’s a mad world’ on TV. Mary spent the night with Janie. Going to take down the tree. Mr. Gizinski and Sid Klenk came over to get some manure. Judy Angvick called a couple of times

Jan 1: I hemmed a pair of jeans, took in another pair and mended the lining of Jenni’s coat. Went for a 5-mile bike ride to Fort Worden as the weather was nice. It rained later in the day, though. Jenni is tiring of her job at the motel. The rash she has been getting on her fingers we’re pretty sure is caused by the cleaning things she uses at the motel. Mary came home yesterday to go to a big party at the fairgrounds. She must have had fun because she didn’t get in until 5:45 a.m. She was not feeling real well today. Went back to Seattle with the same line—I hate this town and can’t wait to get out of here. My goals for this year include:quitting smoking, losing weight, eat better, exercise more, listen better, read more, write on a regular basis, practice the guitar and harmonica, watch my money better and spend less on gifts. Write more letters and visit more people. Have to get out more. I’m sure glad I have tomorrow off.

Jan 1: Catie woke me up before 6 a.m. this morning. Gave her a bottle and went back to bed until 9:30. Went to work at the mill for three hours. Sue went to Seattle to visit Mary for the day. Jenni slept all day as she was partying late last night. I sat around watching tv and doing crossstitch. Catie learned to crawl yesterday on her 7-month birthday. Fell asleep a little after midnight reading Donahue. Watched a movie called First Born. Joe called from Germany on Dec 30. He’s near the Czech border now. Snow flurries in Seattle tonight.

I went to bed around 10 last night. Was falling asleep in front of the TV but managed to revive a bit once I settled in bed with a stack of books.  My granddaughter has been after me to read 'The Hunger Games' so I started it (along with a couple of others).  So much for my resolution to read and finish one book at a time.  Oh well, I've accepted the fact that it's my impatient and impulsive nature to jump from one thing to another. 

One book by my bed is called 'The World's greatest treasury of health secrets.'  I think I picked it up at the library gift shop for a dollar or two.  It's really a great read with interesting facts.  For example: 

12 Quick and easy things you can do to improve your health.  They go into a little detail on each one, but it's too much to type here. In short.....

1.  Inhale an energizing scent like lemon or peppermint scents.
2.  Sip ice water
3.  Practice one-breath meditation.
4. Minimize noise at home and at work
5. Bask in bright light.
6. Do abdominal exercise
7. Perform mental "cross-training" (puzzles, etc)
8. Cook with nutriceuticlas--garlic, onion, basil, cumin, turmeric, black pepper, hot red peppers, mustard, cinnamon
9. Check your reading posture
10. Do trigger point therapy. (whenever you feel tense, feel for a tight band of muscle tissue and press it with light to moderate pressure for 10 seconds.)
11. Curb indoor polluton.
12. Do absolutely nothing. Take a 5-minute mental vacation every few hours.

This 600-page book put out by Bottom Line books covers a ton of subjects. Tonight's chapter is 'Advice on how to give advice to others.'

Well, I think I'll get off this computer now and get back to the sewing machine.  I had problems concentrating yesterday as I sewed several pieces together incorrectly and had to rip them out and try again.  Could be the book I'm listening to distracting me. James Patterson's 'The Big Bad Wolf'. I'm on the last disk now--about the Russian Mafia.

I found two movies that looked like they might be worth taping on television today and tonight. That isn't saying much for cable TV.  I wish I could afford HBO and ShowTime because there are some shows on there that I think I'd watch but...I'm not willing to pay that much extra so I'll rent the shows when they come out on disk.

I did get one dinette chair covered this morning and will try to finish up the job this week. Met my neighbor yesterday when I took over cookies. Come to find out, she's one of Jenni's Facebook friends and Jen thinks very highly of her. Says she'd love to have her for a neighbor.

I got my Christmas lights taken down and stored in the garage and even managed to take a large box of Xmas decorations to Goodwill.  I'm pretty sure I'll finish up the afghan tonight that I've been crocheting the last few weeks.  I already have a knitted one in the wings waiting for me to pick up and work on again.

My New Year resolutions are the same ole things I declare every January 1st.  Lose weight, eat better, exercise more, read more, blah ...blah...blah!  I spent a little time surfing around on YouTube this morning and came across these two interviews with Jerry Lee Lewis. Was interesting to see how age deals with us all.

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