My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Slush Fun

Wayne's gonna pick me up this morning so I can make a Safeway run for a few items. I could probably drive myself but there's enough slush on the road in front of my house to help me decide I don't really want to navigate through it.  Am wearing my winter shoes with the attachable cleats too. I've heard the parking lots are still a mess to walk on.  I don't take my mobility for granted these days and the last thing I need is to fall on my cute little butt.

My weekend plans are about the same as the whole week has been...inside projects.  Once I can get to a fabric store, I intend to make another tulip wall hanging. Intend to alter it some as I don't like the way my first one came out. I need to use more care in picking fabrics.  Something I doubt I'll ever get the hang of. 

I keep looking at the stereo I bought so I can use my gadget to put music from cassettes onto my hard drive.  My son isn't sure I'll be able to just put them in my Itunes so I'm not real sure how that works. I'm a little gun shy about using my new lap top for projects that I'm testing out as I go. I'd prefer to know what I'm doing (at least a little bit) ahead of time.  I'm probably making it harder than it actually is. I do that a lot.

Saw a picture on Facebook this morning that one of my friends posted (that her son had posted). At least I think it was her son. Anyhow, I thought it was an interesting shot. Shows  John Cheney on Water Street before he died.  John was a year behind me in school and those of  you who knew him, know what a genuine character he was.


  1. Joyce...I do remember John Cheney but he didn't look like that! Whatever happened to some of these characters?

  2. Actually I knew him and I think it's a good picture of him.
