My neighborhood growing up

My neighborhood growing up
19th Street, Port Townsend

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January bug

Felt a little punky yesterday but figured it was just one of those "let's clean Joyce out" days.  If you know what I mean.  ha ha

Anyhow, I wasn't sick but wasn't well either. Was kind of surprised to wake up at 4 this morning and discover I was still ailing.  I'm up and dressed and determined to sew or work a puzzle or read....something...but alas I can tell it's a little bug of some kind.  Feeling tired and achy so I guess I'll go with the flow and let it run its course.  Always thankful I'm retired when the germs come to the surface. I can lay around and wallow in self pity without inconveniencing anyone.

Looking mighty white and icy out there this morning. Sure am happy I'm staying in.  Weatherman is talking the "S" word for this weekend too.

Happy Birthday to my cousin Ilene Wailand up in Bellingham.  And get well soon to my cousin Lee Arey who is on the mend at a rehabilatation center in Bellingham.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you didn't get a virus from that new computer!
    Be weller.
    Yer Bruthur
